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Love the van!
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2011 on Dog Vehicles cont'd.... at Dog Sport Blog
I love the station wagon. What a practical vehicle! It's like having a truck with good gas mileage. Assuming we move, I'm hoping to get a minivan and get a roof rack on it. I love vans...if I can't find one for a good price, then I'm going for a small hatchback car. I would think that a truck with a topper might be the most practical for carrying the dogs and eliminating the smell issue. Could get cold for them on long trips though.
My baby dogs would freeze to death :) I like having my dogs inside, they are good burglar alarms and heating pads. If I had large dogs like yours though, I'd probably reconsider. Wish we had a yard....
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2011 on House or Kennel at Dog Sport Blog
Toby is not a very good jumper, he's a little stout :) I wouldn't be surprised at the stories. He is incredibly fearless (to a suicidal extent) once he's in hunt mode. I have been trying to read a lot on the breed and I keep coming across references to JRT's complete disregard for their own safety. Once they lock on to something, they will not stop in the chase, ignoring pain and frequently hurting themselves. He's very calm and well mannered otherwise though, very cuddly and likes to burrow in clothes and blankets.
Toggle Commented Jan 1, 2011 on My Deutsche Schäferhunde at Dog Sport Blog
I think I like my arms (and my nuts) too much for that :) But I'd like to check it out
It's all very interesting stuff, I don't know anything about the sport. Didn't know it existed until you started talking about it. Not to worry, I'm sure Ezra will catch up. In the meantime, you'll just have to take care of his beer and women for him :P
He's actually a much bigger dog than we expected and I am extremely impressed by his chewing ability, lol. He may be a small dog but you can really see the hunting instincts and where they get their reputation from.
Toggle Commented Dec 30, 2010 on My Deutsche Schäferhunde at Dog Sport Blog
That's an awesome video! We got our dog from the Humane Society in YZF, sight unseen. He wasn't quite what we expected but he's part of the family now :) He had a lot of issues when we got him, seems he was raised in an apartment with young kids. He was never given any exercise, had never been on a leash, had never been around other animals. Seems they got rid of him for being too "aggressive" and there was some notes about him and a new cat they got. He's doing quite well now, but we still need to get him more comfortable with larger animals. He did well with our cats and he and our little dog are great friends. He plays with our friend's small dogs as well, they have mini-dobermans. I wish there were some professionals here we could work with though.
Toggle Commented Dec 30, 2010 on My Deutsche Schäferhunde at Dog Sport Blog
LOL, um, sorry, can't help you there. Our JRT has been difficult to socialize and still can't play well with large dogs. It would be a BAD SCENE. :) But if you know the Dog Whisperer's phone number.... What happened to the younger one? Dax was it?
Toggle Commented Dec 29, 2010 on My Deutsche Schäferhunde at Dog Sport Blog
"too much beer and scantily clad girls in Santa hats" - sorry "Ezra" that's impossible
Great pictures of everyone
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2010 on The Crew at Dog Sport Blog
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2010 on Alberta Schutzhund Association at Dog Sport Blog
How many dogs do you have now?
Toggle Commented Dec 23, 2010 on My Deutsche Schäferhunde at Dog Sport Blog
LOL, nice one Wes!
Toggle Commented Dec 23, 2010 on Tis the season to be social? at Dog Sport Blog
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Dec 23, 2010
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Dec 23, 2010
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Dec 23, 2010