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Wayne Wilson
Wayne is a seasoned operating and financial executive providing executive coaching and advisory services on growth-related issues to owner/CEOs of middle market companies.
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Mar 15, 2010
Thanks for the feedback. What I find amazing is how few people are prepared to engage in that conversation.
The conversation clearly separates those who are in command of their subject, business or department from those who are not.
Communicating knowledge is power
- Chris Witt [1] What good is having a lot of knowledge if you can’t communicate it effectively to others? Sitting through PowerPoint presentations is often painful. On two occasions this past week, presenters spent much of their time reading their slides – not particularly enlightening nor buil...
Bill, I absolutely agree. The real challenge is getting business owners and managers to take these steps before a crisis arrives at their door.
Managing the cash flow fire drill
Carefully managing your business’ cash flow is critical as we head into the second year of the recession. There seems to be no end in sight with economists routinely delaying their forecasts for an economic recovery. Here are a few financial practices to consider, especially if your business op...
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