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Tim, Cost Benefit analysis are one of the most important tools for those making decisions about natural resources. The article you helped author does a good job of explaining in clear language how an economist goes about determining the value of a given resource. The differential spend a family is willing to make in order to go to a more distant beach with cleaner water is an excellent example. Trent Weatherwax
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Tim, I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie and return every year to fish there with my family. I am pleased to see Governor Kasich. Hopefully, the result will head your advice and use a market driven approach to address the phosphorous loading issues in Lake Erie. The initial time required to see the results will likely be longer than some feel is appropriate, the long term sustainability of such a program is indisputable. Just look at what sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide trading has done in terms of air emissions. Trent
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Jul 7, 2018