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Carol Wilkerson
Western Washington State
Ideas, Insight, Opinions...Whatever!
Interests: Home improvement, health, fibromyalgia, the environment, politics, family, genealogy, family history
Recent Activity
We have at least three evening grosbeaks at our feeder today. They are eating the black oil sunflower seeds.
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Carol Wilkerson is now following Joy
Jul 2, 2010
Carol Wilkerson is now following Wil
Jul 2, 2010
Carol Wilkerson is now following Ali Edwards
Jul 2, 2010
Carol Wilkerson is now following Mark Thoma
Jul 2, 2010
Carol Wilkerson is now following Trina
Jul 2, 2010
Carol Wilkerson is now following The Sierra Club
Jul 2, 2010
And, while we're at it, where is the compose button so I can post to my blog Pentimento?
1 reply
Ok, today I logged into Typepad, intending to post to my blog Pentimento, but for the life of me I couldn't find the 'compose' area? Did someone steal it? :-)
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Carol Wilkerson is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 2, 2009
Carol Wilkerson is now following Bill Van Loan
Sep 10, 2009
I am one of the people who was asking, er, begging for this new WYSIWYG compose screen since almost the time I began on Typepad. Thank you for listening to our suggestions and putting them into action. No one will ever be 100% satisfied with what gets done, but I think, over time, we will learn to use the new screen.
1 reply
New themes are always nice, they keep the blogs looking fresh and trendy. But I would also hope that there are plans to make posting a little easier too. My suggestion sent in was to enable us to center text and photos in a post. It shouldn't be that difficult to make that happen. I hope someone has that in the future plans. Keep up the good work you guys!
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2008 on Results of the Design Poll at Everything Typepad
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1. The ability to center items in a post. 2. Smilies, or something of the sort. 3. Make the templates more AdSense compatible. Those are just three... #1 would be my first choice though. Please consider it!
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I do make eye contact also and if they have a name tag, I try to call them by their name. After working in a "Ritzy" hotel a few years ago, it was nice to be called by my name. I felt like I was less of a robot, and that they saw me as a real person. My husband and I always try to do business locally in our town, or at least the county. We have found good and bad in small businesses, but the majority are willing to go the extra mile or more. I value service people who are polite and attentive and reward that, sometimes generously, when it is received. Great article!
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