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Recent Activity
I hope you'll be returning soon. Read my last post Cupcakes
Explaining my absence
OK, many of you have asked but I knew that I had to put in an explanation for my continued absence here when my mother in Turkey complained that she missed the "postcards" from me on the blog. I am alive and well. But here are two reasons why this space will not be updated frequently over the...
It think that black market will rise, without a doubt... Read my last post Pancake
An Ethiopian puzzle
I am in Ethiopia, and it is good to see how much the environment for private economic activity has improved since my last visit a few years back. The economy has been booming since 2003, growing at Chinese rates. But there are ominous signs that the good times will be interrupted by an old-fas...
Pancake is now following TypePad France
Mar 27, 2011
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