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Ignorant ass bloggers still hate Tip about his LUCKY case.
All things about his case hit the net a long time a go..
If you can take 5 minutes out your day to read his official documents.
his snitching campaign for the tip crimestoppers was not his idea..
He Manned up and cared about his family in stead of saving his street cred.! He is only Lucky because he is Atlantic records Flagship artist
You realy don't know what the power this company has Look at their catalogue and compared that to the Tip sales..He is the only one who solled 5 times platinum in a row bitches.
2.3 mil off papertrail 12 mil downloads itunes hot 100
Everyone knows the King is comming back and they realy hate.
I wanna see Curtis jackson face after first week sales off Tips nex album.
Ps secret snitching is not possible its PUBLIC INFORMATION..!
Whats happening LO.....The King off Bankhead coming BACK in three months SUCKA.!
UPDATE: T.I. Escapes From Prison, "He Was Released This Morning"
Incarcerated rapper Clifford "T.I." Harris has been transferred from his Arkansas prison location and placed into a Georgia halfway house, according to his attorney.
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Dec 22, 2009
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Posted Dec 22, 2009 at Who I Am's blog
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Dec 22, 2009
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