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Pat, huge congratulations on completing the challenge! You were undoubtedly one of my most favourite blogs this year. Your posts really spoke to me in a way that I can't quite define, but I was always left feeling uplifted and inspired. I look forward to reading more from you in the future :) Fee | Wee White Hoose
Brilliant as usual, Pat! Congratulations on completing the A-Z! I'm so glad I found your blog this month. You should have all these wonderful fables bound into a book. I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future. Fee | Wee White Hoose Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
"Don't forget to meet me around the bend." - Ohhh I love this! Another wonderful tale, Pat. I'll miss your daily posts once this is all over. Only two more days to go - where has the time gone?? Fee | Wee White Hoose Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
Another wonderful story, and an important lesson for us all. Fee | Wee White Hoose Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
You tell such wonderful stories, Pat. I loved this one :) Fee | Wee White Hoose Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
Weewhitehoose is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2015