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Pat, huge congratulations on completing the challenge! You were undoubtedly one of my most favourite blogs this year. Your posts really spoke to me in a way that I can't quite define, but I was always left feeling uplifted and inspired. I look forward to reading more from you in the future :)
Fee | Wee White Hoose
Reflection: Keep Pressing Toward The Mark
As I began the A to Z Blog Challenge, I had three goals. 1. To reach out by reading five new blogs a day and leave comments. 2. To become a part of the team, not as a leader, but a blog supporter and thereby support the efforts of the leaders who gave so much of themselves befor...
Brilliant as usual, Pat! Congratulations on completing the A-Z! I'm so glad I found your blog this month. You should have all these wonderful fables bound into a book. I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future.
Fee | Wee White Hoose
Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
From afar The Child saw the sleepy town covered in the dawning light. The Prophet stood on her right. “What do you see, Child?” “On the horizon, I see the sun as it appears, Moving upward toward the Heaven. A sleepy town stands afar, Awaking into a new day. Strangers with unknown faces...
"Don't forget to meet me around the bend." - Ohhh I love this! Another wonderful tale, Pat. I'll miss your daily posts once this is all over. Only two more days to go - where has the time gone??
Fee | Wee White Hoose
Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
“X-intercept should be here, Prophet.” “Are you sure?” “I think so.” “Look again.” The Child looked out over the water; gentle waves were hitting her from behind her. “The horizontal line of the x-axis is moving towards minus.” “Which way does Mr. Whale want to move, Child?” “In that direct...
Another wonderful story, and an important lesson for us all.
Fee | Wee White Hoose
Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
“Very good, Child, hold on to the dorsal fin,” The Prophet shouted. “Lean to the right, Child, Lean to the right!” “I’m trying to lean,” The Child shouted back. “But I can’t lean and hold on to Mr. Whale too.” Another wave, larger than before, appeared. Like a cylinder, it twirled on the ocean ...
You tell such wonderful stories, Pat. I loved this one :)
Fee | Wee White Hoose
Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z
“To be or not to be––that is the question,1” recited The Child as she skipped across the sea, pulling the lily pad. “To stay or not to stay,” to go or not to go,” to sing or not to sing,” to move or not to move,” to write or not to write,” to do or not to do…” “Halt, Child, and tell me why you...
Weewhitehoose is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2015
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