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Wellsure Chiropractic
Caloundra, Queensland
At Wellsure Chiropractic Caloundra we focus on providing 100% personalised patient care. All our patients are treated uniquely to accommodate their specific needs, their body type and their case presentation. We believe it is our personalised treatment approach which optimises the fast-tracked results we are so proud of. Nestled within our modern Chiropractic centre we have a caring professional team, state of the art digital x-ray system (meaning no unnecessary delays in treatment), specialised Omni Chiropractic tables, as well as access to various in-house healthcare providers; including chiropractors, naturopath, and massage. Name: Wellsure Chiropractic Address: 2 Park Place, Caloundra, Qld 4551 Phone: 07 5438 2008
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Jun 30, 2017