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Wendy Fairfull
To paraphrase Rush's Tom Sawyer My mind is not for rent to any god or government
Interests: homeschooling, unschooling, knitting, sewing, crafting, quilting, reading, large families
Recent Activity
Wendy Fairfull is now following Cathy Boswell
Aug 26, 2012
Wendy Fairfull is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I'm reading The Time Traveler's Wife right now. I can't decide whether I like it or not. I'm reading it for a book club.
Toggle Commented Oct 6, 2009 on Hello...hello....hello at Well-Mannered Frivolity
1 reply
Well,"none",I would be more than happy to engage in civil discourse about some of the problems you mentioned, but since you commented anonymously that will be impossible. I would give much more credence to your opinions if you had chosen to post a real name and a real email address.
Toggle Commented Aug 28, 2009 on Mean people suck at Well-Mannered Frivolity
1 reply
Sorry I got my Jonas Brothers mixed-up. Thank you for pointing that out. My mind can only keep track of so much trivia. Plus, I'm not a 10 year old girl.
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on Who would you pick..... at Well-Mannered Frivolity
1 reply
Robin- I can't look up the quote for you. I have already returned the book to the library. Sorry.
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2009 on Wishful Drinking at Well-Mannered Frivolity
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Wendy Fairfull is now following curtbradford
May 23, 2009
Here is one example: At the Council of Macon, in 584 AD, in Lyons, France, forty-three Catholic bishops and twenty men representing other bishops, debated what must have surely been the most compelling issue of the day: "Are Women Human?" After arguing the point, the bishops voted. thirty-two, yes; thirty-one, no. Women were declared human by one vote. I hope you read the post that I wrote today. I was feeling very angry with God. I'm over it.
1 reply
Thanks for the book suggestion. I will look into it. I was so worried I would get angry emails about this post. Thanks for being so nice :) Wendy
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I didn't realize it was already exam time! At least they weren't truants. I suppose I shouldn't have been so cruel. I was once an 18 year old girl myself.
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Katherine video taped the whole affair. I'll post it as soon as she gets it on YouTube.
Toggle Commented May 3, 2009 on A wedding at Well-Mannered Frivolity
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That first tattoo was a sun with Celtic knot work in it. If I can get him to pose for me I will post pics of his tattoos.
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