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Wendy Gibson
Recent Activity
I have the 8 x 10 Gelli Plate and love the Ta Da element of every print! The round Gelli Plate is mind blowing lol! Thanks for a chance to receive one!
Round Gelli + Stamps
Hey you guys! Today I have a quick tutorial video on creating really cool collage paper using the new 4" round Gelli Plate and Balzer Designs stamps. Hand Carved Flowers Hand Carved Elements Hand Carved Leaves Useful Stamps Circles Set Hand Carved Patterns ...
via It's time to sign up...
via It's time to sign up for Art Journal Every Day in November! Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2011 at Wendy Gibson's blog
I've taken face painting workshops where we all try to make our faces look exactly like the teacher's faces. What's crazy about these stencils is that, rather than turning out "cookie cutter" faces, they actually make it easier to draw a unique face each time! Face stencils! Brilliant, Julie, thank you! Very da Vinci!
Balzer Designs Stencil Hop: Faces
Welcome to Stencil-a-Palooza! Several days a week for the next month or so I'll be featuring one of my eighteen stencil designs for The Crafter's Workshop! Each post comes with a giveaway. Leave a comment answering the question-of-the-day and you might be the winner of that day's featured s...
Wendy Gibson is now following Amber Gibbs
Sep 27, 2011
Wendy Gibson is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 1, 2010
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