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Wendy Lawrence
Recent Activity
Wendy Lawrence is now following Clear Scraps
Mar 28, 2011
Would love to pay it forward with a few items if I won.....Thanks for the amazing giveaway
Amazing giveaway from amazing people
Loving the giveaway....
Such a huge giveaway. WOW. I have to say that winning this would mean that I would share by random acts of kindness. I have a few things being offered and would love to give away those items from you, PC and myself.. Would love your stampmaker..... Thanks Teresa and PC
You are an inspiration. Thanks so much.
Love all your products and PC. I am a circle member....
Would love to win. I am a circle member.....Thanks
Merry Christmas........
amazing. Merry Christmas.
What an amazing giveaway......To win this would be a dream. Provo Craft is awesome and Teresa you are truely amazing. Merry Christmas to your family..Thanks for all you do.
How do you pick? But I have to say I love Seth's Fleur de Lis........I love what they stand for....Thanks so much
Love those kits they look amazing as always. wendylawrence at surewest dot net
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2010 on Giveaway!!! at still me
I would love to have these stamps. The subject is one of the most important things in the world. (God first) Thank you for your hard work. And you are blessed with a beautiful family.
Love the door. Beautiful as always. I would love to win. Good luck to all
Toggle Commented Jan 11, 2010 on WELCOME HOME.... at TERESA COLLINS
I love this card
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on Love Birds at Stamp with Heather
Wendy Lawrence is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 22, 2009