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Wes Thorp
Dearborn, Michigan
I’m a 73-year-old life long learner who’s trying to learn to deal with the last part of my life. I don't have a Bucket List. Is that an advantage or disadvantage? I want a real personal relationship with Jesus Christ and I want that for my wife, my kids and grandkids.
Interests: I'm a lifelong learner. My curiosity abounds about everything. The role that mothers and fathers play in their kid's lives. How toilets work. How a three-way switch works. My death. What happens right after you die? How do we know that Jesus was a real person? How to tell a story that people want to listen to?
Recent Activity
I got it from Prison Fellowship, the prison ministry.
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Thanks Mark. I think of you and your family often-Wes
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We are walking. I got a new cane to help me with it. Wes
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Lauren—Thank-you for the prayers and the encouragement. Also, thank-you for being a great boss and even better friend. Wes
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Donna-I am familiar with Deep Brain Stimulation. I have had a conversation about it with my neurologist. I’m not a good candidate yet. I’m ready personally. Wes
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This is going to be a journey, for sure. My knees are knocking a little from the fear of the future. I'd be happy to just keep the vision I have now. To stay sane about all this, I'm going to try and write about the whole experience.
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I'm in my Third Act This is me, my wife and two grandkids, as I get more firmly into being a senior citizen I remember when my mother was 71 and she seemed really old. Now I'm at that point being a member of the first class of baby-boomers born... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2017 at My Third Act
What do you remember and how specific are your memories? What people do you remember? How about conversations? Do you remember sermons? Do you remember the person who sat in front of you in church As I move more firmly into older age as a member of the first class... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2017 at My Third Act