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Lisa West
Recent Activity
poor little thing :(
Oh God, It's Stuck In My Skull, Isn't It?
via thank you @Vespa69 for many laughs. great site! (and yes i stole their title as well as their image, because it's brilliant.)
Sean, yer a geek...but a cool one.
tie fighter wheelchair
LOL! Seanhead, you are too much. why IS she covering up her pussy like that? great question.
cat people are weird
What?! Hilarious.
my dog has a mini-me. and yes, of course she blogs. (those matching gray chins are slaying me) (photo credit: miz ginevra)
You're a really cool friend (and sister).
the boat was officially named last night! after many long hours of wood hunting on ocean beach, hatchetting, chiselling, bleeding and carving (with all the wrong tools in the most inefficient way possible) the nameplate is finally finished! it was presented to the german last night, despite bei...
shit....perfect song, unfortunately.
today sounds like this.
Lie To Me
Lisa West is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 2, 2010
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