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You'd better turn that frown upside-down, buddy.
Even I've been known to dress down for vacation. Yes, I have weird nippage. Damn Patrick.
You know what actually would be a neat twist to this is -- "donate so I *KEEP* my hair".
Ok, maybe not.
How about "donate so I can GET MY HAIR BACK"? You shave it, and you can't regrow it until you earn $X in contributions.
And I was worried for my hair...
I finally did it. I finally signed up. I bit the bullet, mustered up my courage, and just did it. What now, you might ask. I signed up to participate in a St. Baldrick's fundraising event. For those of you who haven't heard of it, St. Baldrick's is an organization that raises funds for chi...
This was our first year sans fireworks. I'm ok with that. But I'll probably go back to it next year.
Gave proof through the night...
Katie and I hope you all had a great Fourth of July (whether you observe the U.S. Independence Day or not). We had fun with Katie's brother and his girlfriend at the fireworks in St. Charles, IL. We were going to head up to the Wisconsin Dells, but the weather kinda battered down that plan. So w...
2010 was awesome! (of course, I saw it when it came out, and I was (looking it up) 14 years old, so everything I watched was awesome).
Now I need to go find it and watch it again.
Oh say can you see...
I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my brain around the idea that not only is tomorrow the U.S. Independence Day, but that we're already halfway through 2009. Just another half to go before we're making contact with the alien races according to bad Roy Scheider sci-fi films. But the problem is ...
Instead of paint, we like to use the stick-on prints you can apply to the wall. You can get all sorts of cool things, like craft-looking sayings, silhouettes of celebrities, nature scenes, star trek themes, a whole mess of stick-on prints that can suit your fancy whenever you want something specific. there's even Disney ones.
So I ordered them week before last in anticipation of surprising my wife with them. A week went by and nothing. It annoyed me, so I called them and they said they're on their way. I couldn't wait any more to tell my wife, so I told her about it. She was so excited, and was even giddy that I had chosen the Disney themes.
And she sang to me, "Some day my prints will come."
All in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
Do you have anything that you like to do that others might view as weird? Be it an odd habit or an off-the-wall hobby? I'm asking because my wife is addicted to painting. I don't mean like watercolor or acrylic painting on canvas, but painting walls. And it's getting a bit out of control. This ...
I love it when a plan comes together.
Cheddar cheese
As I walked home along the river late this afternoon, I wrote an entire brilliant, yet esoteric post. Unfortunately, it is not to be. It dispeared somewhere on Parkdale, when a craving for VERY plain spaghetti with plain old (canned) tomato sauce covered in cheddar cheese overtook my thought pat...
Don't shoot me, but I don't think I could name, hum or recognize one Sonic Youth song.
I am the hunter...
I am the Great White Mouse Hunter. I have skills that far supercede any mere mortal when it comes to the trapping and elimination of small furry rodents. I am the Great White Mouse Hunter. When most people fail to capture their disease-laden adversaries, I succeed. I am the Great White Mouse...
Now I'm logged in with my Typepad account, so let's see if it let's me be awesome.
There's a time, a place for everything...
Saturday was fun. Katie and I spent the evening with Kim and Steven, Diane and E, and Tori having good food, good laughs, and good fun playing some games. Thanks to all of you for wanting to get together and having fun. It was a blast. Yes, Timmy, online friends can be real friends, too. Of cour...
Ah.. Lack of gravatar makes baby Jesus cry. But I will Typekey myself for you.
Oh baby, it's cold outside...
So, say that hypothetically, I was going to be in Nashua, New Hampshire, on business starting late on February 3 and leaving very early in the morning on February 6. What would one do in that area for fun during the times I'm not working? Anybody out there know anything about Nashua? I don't....
For the toaster, they need to make one that does an image of Mary or Jesus so that everyone can feel special every morning, not just the lucky one or two that gets the image on a grape or a potato chip. :)
For your "hope > fear" etc line, I can't help but feel conflicted when you state the pithy catchphrase and give it a preamble by posting a link and praise to such a hate-spewing "artist" such as Saunders. Hypocrisy, anyone? How could anyone purport to espouse unity, preach one-ness and eliminate division and then laud such vitriol?
four things
Four things this morning: This toaster gives new meaning to Dark Side. Newsweek is running a series called the Special Election Project. They had reporters inside both campaigns, with incredible access to candidates and staff, with the understanding that the story wouldn't be written until afte...
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