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Kathy @ Bliss Beyond Naptime
I'm at work-at-home mom to Edie Tangerine, Kale Jove and married to my soulmate, Craig. While the kids nap I create.
Interests: knitting, yoga, spinning, homeschooling, felting, sewing, quality coffee, attachment parenting, permaculture, organic foods, waldorf, mini-farming
Recent Activity
Happy Ladies you have there :) Thank you for your words this week. Here's our moment:
SoulePapa Blogs :: {this moment}
. . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find a...
The sweetness of it all! How does she reach? Her own special line? Our moment is all the males in the family squished up in a pink chair having, well, a moment:
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find a...
Poster child for homeschooling! Awesome capture. Here's our good morning moment:
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find...
Eeeeks Lisa! Don't go anywhere love. This is an experiment. I might change my mind xo
Something Exciting is Just Around the Corner!
Bliss Beyond Naptime has mooooooooved (sorry, couldn't resist). I'll be over there any minute now so be sure to try the new home for Bliss Beyond Naptime! We'll see you at the new digs! For those subscribed be sure to update your RSS subscription and click over here. We'll see you over yonder!...
Thank you Angie!! It will be up any second now :)
Something Exciting is Just Around the Corner!
Bliss Beyond Naptime has mooooooooved (sorry, couldn't resist). I'll be over there any minute now so be sure to try the new home for Bliss Beyond Naptime! We'll see you at the new digs! For those subscribed be sure to update your RSS subscription and click over here. We'll see you over yonder!...
My eyes!!!! The cuteness is too much!! Congrats get-to-name Mama. Nice choices :)
the brontës
{Warning: Just a wee bit of healthy blood ahead.} I was finishing up some work yesterday morning when I heard the thundering stampede of mud boots, farm boots, and bare feet coming from the paddock headed to the door closest to my studio. "Mama, Mama, Mama, Emily is having her baby!!!!" The farm...
Again, I'm going to cry. What a sweet note lily boot! Toph sounded so special! Blessings on her journey.
I have to say I can't believe how fast I'm falling for this little guy. He is incredibly loveable and super sweet and cuddly and smart and funny. Ack! I'm in love :)
This Moment ~ Brothers From A Different Cow
Thanks to my friend Shauna for nabbing this week's moment for me! She's one incredibly talented chica :) ********************************************************************* Simplicity Parenting Ecourse sign ups coming around the corner! Be sure to sign up for the Mama Bliss Ezine newsletter ...
Oh, my. You're going to make me cry over I missed that one!!! :)
This Moment ~ Brothers From A Different Cow
Thanks to my friend Shauna for nabbing this week's moment for me! She's one incredibly talented chica :) ********************************************************************* Simplicity Parenting Ecourse sign ups coming around the corner! Be sure to sign up for the Mama Bliss Ezine newsletter ...
Quick! Call child services! ;)
Easter Egg 2012
For the last four Easter Good Fridays we make our way over to our neighbours' Easter Egg decorating potluck making it feel to me these days like the true hallmark of spring officially in the air. Our neighbours are close enough we walk over safely and happily as a tribe but far enough that it...
Yes!It's a fun process. Each colour has to be dipped in sequence and before you do you cover up the bits you want in the colour prior with hot, black wax. Then dip, then proceed to the next colour. It's easy enough the kids can try (well, not Kale yet actually. Next time) but tricky enough though that we see our eggs looking better each year so it's kind of addictive in a weird, Easter-y way. Like Cadbury mini-eggs ;)
Easter Egg 2012
For the last four Easter Good Fridays we make our way over to our neighbours' Easter Egg decorating potluck making it feel to me these days like the true hallmark of spring officially in the air. Our neighbours are close enough we walk over safely and happily as a tribe but far enough that it...
Beautiful Lee Lee ~ I always love hearing your perspective with the nest leavings and all :) Very wise values. I'm feeling all rose coloured all over reading these! xo
Rock Solid Values
Like mama sheep all over the world these days I'm in the throes of the birthing process. Instead of lambkins though what I'm delivering is a project, straight from my heart that I can't wait to share with you; My Simplicity Parenting Ecourse! Sign ups willl be announced soon so stayed tuned! ...
We had a chicken following us kind of day yesterday too! Your sheep seem really sweet :) We have some four legged friends going on in our moment too this week:
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find a...
So pretty! We tried this last year with no luck. Probably white eggs are key? Yours are awesome and gorgeous!
as in necktie. my sister was visiting recently and mentioned that she had read about an egg dying method using silk neckties. i looked it up online and found a very impressive collection of photos. two minutes on youtube later and here we are: you will need: silk neckties, twist ties (i used wir...
Wow Kelly ~ that just made my heart sing! Thank you so much for the lovely review and I'm so happy and honored my words helped you. I'm sure I have much to learn from you too! Many bliss filled blessings...xoxo!
Simplicity Parenting and Puppies
We couldn't have hoped for a sweeter pup than little Mr Angel but I have to admit we are in the midst of an adjustment period. People aren't joking when they say it's like having a newborn; you know with all the getting up in the middle of the night and having to be aware of his whereabouts at...
Tis new critter season! Here's our new addition and its mode of delivery:
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find a...
Hey Lee Lee - I'm going to see how much paper I got left after this promotion. I'll let you know April 3rd if I have any left to sell to alumni! xmooch
Backwoods Mama Sew Grads
I'm excited to do a little series here profiling some of the sweet mamas that I've had the pleasure to meet through my sewing ecourse Backwoods Mama Spring Sew Camp. The best part of putting together this ecourse was establishing some special friendships with so many like-minded mamas. The fir...
Hi Amanda,
How about you email me at kathy at blissbeyondnaptime dot com and we'll discuss :)
Backwoods Mama Sew Grads
I'm excited to do a little series here profiling some of the sweet mamas that I've had the pleasure to meet through my sewing ecourse Backwoods Mama Spring Sew Camp. The best part of putting together this ecourse was establishing some special friendships with so many like-minded mamas. The fir...
Hey Beth absolutely this applies to internationals! Happy to send it off with a kiss over seas :)
Backwoods Mama Sew Grads
I'm excited to do a little series here profiling some of the sweet mamas that I've had the pleasure to meet through my sewing ecourse Backwoods Mama Spring Sew Camp. The best part of putting together this ecourse was establishing some special friendships with so many like-minded mamas. The fir...
Yes, I will hide my pretzels better next time! ;)
Pretzels and Puppies
We've been reading this sweet little book about the world's longest (and therefore the most handsome) daschund named Pretzel who falls in love with a lady doxie but she doesn't care for him because, she says, length doesn't impress her. Funny. This is definitely up there in their top ten cute ...
You know, I think you're right! I have super strong fingers - especially from when I rock climbed lots before kids and then after kids I knit instead. They're skinny but strong! :)
Vlog ~ Crazy for Daisy
We've come a long way in our relationship with our divine bovine, Miss Daisy. It took us a while to get comfortable with each other and to figure out a routine that works but I think we have it down pat! Right now we leave her with her baby, Meatballs, together throughout the day (she's practi...
Yay Lee Lee!! So happy to hear you've conquered the scary knit hump :) I bet your mama was a sweetie - much like you! x
SS Wednesday: Sew, Love, and Relax
Last year I interviewed my mama while she was here for her annual spring visit. I condensed it down to the sew love highlights but if you want to see the full, unedited version you can kick back for the full duration of a cup of tea and witness the look of my mama's motherly concern around my...
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