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Chapel Hill, NC
Interests: yoga, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, green tea, argyle socks, writing, photography, books, baking, purses, crafty things, librarians, orla kiely, berries, pushing daisies, autumn days, coats, pies, evening coffee, old cameras
Recent Activity
Even though it's been over a year, it seems I'm not quite ready to give up this space. Often I compose little posts in my head, but then they slip away in the flurry of our days. After everyone has... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2016 at white apples . a blog
Just when we had resigned ourselves to a mild, snow-less winter, a frigid little storm showed up to delight the kids with snow flurries and icicles and long, icy tromps through the neighborhood. They even got to skate around on... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2015 at white apples . a blog
This boy. I blinked and my baby boy turned into this quirky, loving, interesting, thoughtful kid. He is quick to understand, quick to hurt, quick to forgive. He loves puzzles and strategy games. His focus is singular and intense. He... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2015 at white apples . a blog
January might just rival October for my favorite month of the year. October is crisp and bright and pumpkin-perfect, but in October too, there is still so much to come - birthdays and holidays and hosting - things that make... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2015 at white apples . a blog
It occurs to me that these are my last few days (or hours) with just this girl and this boy. And I wonder how things will change, how our new little one will shift the him and her, their push... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2014 at white apples . a blog
I took this photo on my birthday a few days ago. It may be one of the very few photos I have taken of my belly during this third pregnancy. I had a slice of afternoon to myself. It was... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2014 at white apples . a blog
Hilton Head, South Carolina. I've been going there off and on for the past fourteen years. It is strange and comforting to visit a place over and over again, especially in that time of your life when everything changes. When... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2014 at white apples . a blog
Spring is finally here and I can feel the collective exhale, despite the persistence of freezing temperatures and icy storms in our forecast. Like much of the country, our winter was long and unusual and suprising in many ways. But... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2014 at white apples . a blog
Oh Nichole, Prodigal Summer has a special spot in my heart as well. I rather wallowed in it many years back, when I was in a weird, in-betweenish sort of place. It was a meditation. And a balm. And I very much know what you mean about the preciousness of handwritten letters. I have a box of them. Then, at some point, all that letter writing stopped. Now I am so much more connected and so much less. And I would never save e-mails the way I have saved all those letters - piled up in an old box, a treasure indeed.
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2013 on baby steps at Live Free
1 reply
Thanks, M! I am always floored by the kindness of strangers. Though I was worried that she would walk a little too close to my car and her white suit would no longer be such a lovely white...
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2013 on dancing on at white apples . a blog
1 reply
Thank you, Stephinie!
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2013 on dancing on at white apples . a blog
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Thank you!
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2013 on dancing on at white apples . a blog
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Thank you for those sweet words, Nichole! I do hope to be here more often, though I completely agree with your thoughts in your last post... it is strange little thing, this internet.
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2013 on dancing on at white apples . a blog
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A few of my dear friends are about to become mothers, which has me thinking about all the ways that having a child changes us, how parenthood reaches down inside us and pushes things around, rearranges parts of us that... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2013 at white apples . a blog
Oh silence and alone is lovely, but I more likely have the sounds of two little ones and their pretend play nearby...
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2013 on Flower Sugar Giveaway! at nanaCompany
Yes! I remember punching the dough from my childhood as well. So much fun! Of course, with two kids, our dough always gets double-punched.
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2013 on spring in a nutshell at white apples . a blog
1 reply
Such adorable and timeless patterns. Perfect for new little babies!
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2013 on SouleMama Sponsor ~ Kelbourne Woolens ~ at SouleMama
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It seems much too unfair to recall our bright spring days now that we're slogging through the height of summer, with this heavy Carolina air and these wiltingly hot afternoons. These days just beg for cool swims and tall glasses... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2013 at white apples . a blog
Thanks! These are from the Olympus PEN E-P3 (micro four thirds format) camera. It has a lovely little LUMIX 20 f/1.7 lens that takes gorgeous photos. But unlike a DSLR, this camera is slooooow to focus and trip the shutter, so it only works well for these rare moments when the kids are sitting still in good lighting. For every beautifully focused and exposed shot, I have a hundred blurry kid photos.
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2013 on home again at white apples . a blog
1 reply
Ahh, finally back in this space after a long stretch without a laptop. We've had celebrations and trips and adventures, snippets of which I will share once I have sorted through my (digital) piles of photos. But I had to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2013 at white apples . a blog
Yes, thank you! I did make the blanket, though I finished it last year. It just happened to get a lot of snuggles this particular weekend...
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2013 on the things we make at white apples . a blog
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