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L.A. Adjacent
Just a good ol' boy, never meanin' no harm.
Interests: Whatever you are writing about. It's amazing.
Recent Activity
What you said. Wonderful words, TB.
You grow weary, of the weight of time and the burden of expectation and the low, restless ache of knowing — that you should be so much more than you are. That they know you have fallen short, and try to love you despite your failures. That there is disappointment in their eyes, behind the kind l...
If people read the actual post they can see all the places I messed up and the words that were lost along the way. I highly recommend it.
So... that was nice
Last week in New Orleans, a large group of really smart and talented people got together for the Dad 2.0 Summit — and from what I've gathered, a good time was had by all. While I was unable to take part in the festivities, Doug French - gentleman, scholar, PawSox fan and Grand Poobah of all thin...
Well said and then some! Congrats on the passing of your milestone.
An imperfect ten
Over the weekend, something noteworthy happened: This blog turned ten years old. Decile anniversaries have their purpose, I suppose. They make us stop swimming long enough to look up and assess where we are in the ocean, whether we've made any progress or been swept off course by the riptide. A...
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