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Create an online packet of information about Mike Brown's utter failure of leadership and ownership. Maybe 3-5 pages of printable materials. Call it "Brownieleaks". Print that and mail it to the expected top 20 draft picks like Cam Newton and Jake Locker and Lamichael James. For the rest of the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
Why don't you create an online packet of information about Mike Brown's utter failure of leadership and ownership. Maybe 3-5 pages of printable materials. Call it "Brownieleaks". Print that and mail it to the expected top 20 draft picks like Cam Newton and Jake Locker and Lamichael James. For the rest of the WDR they can print it and just mail it to schools' athletic departments (Auburn, Washington, USC, etc) warning them against Mike Brown's Bengals.
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2010 on Pathetic at WhoDeyRevolution
The way is not from within, it is from without within. Seek not the luxury box information, nor Paul. Protest not at the stadium, protest at his house. Whose house? The one who appeared on ESPN in the last 24 hours, disgusted at the Bengals. Go there. Do mock protests at his house, protesting the Bengals. Bring pitchforks and fake torches. Create chants. The local media is powerless. The national media has already been involved with Wade Phillips losing his job, and Brad Childress losing his. There are lots of ways. Seek them.
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2010 on Luxury Suite Update at WhoDeyRevolution
The way is not from within, though the luxury boxes, or through Mr. Daughtery. The way is from without, from within. Bring the national, not local media. One man regularly discusses football on ESPN, and has an audience of millions. That man lives in Cincinnati. Find him, and you've found... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
40: WDRevolution, Televised. Make a 3 minute video that is like an ESPN broadcast. In this alternate reality, Mike Brown hires scouts. He hires a general manager. He builds an indoor practice facility. He doesn't skimp on towels. He addresses fans' concerns from time to time and makes it clear... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
The Bengals all play for money. A typical worker, and even the boss are not thinking about becoming number one in the world. They want to make money. So when rooting for the bengals, root for high revenue streams. Root for high pay, high wages, and bigger profits. Find some... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
#41: A graphic. Make an animated .gif that shows pictures of the Owner, QB, Top 2 Receivers, Best LB, Best 2 Safeties/Corners, Head Coach, Offensive Coach, Defensive Coach, Special Teams Coach, and number of playoff wins. Post everywhere. Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
whodeyrevelation is now following Brosef Stalin
Nov 10, 2010
42 - Gather together all these who were born January 6th, 1991, the day of the last Bengals playoff victory. Assemble them at a notable location, at an opportune time. Mayhaps the same January 6th, but in 2011? It could rather be a night game that is televised. The organizers... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
It's time for things to come to a peace. You too can achieve oneness with your followance of the Cincinnati Bengals. Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at WhoDeyRevelation
whodeyrevelation is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 10, 2010