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Recent Activity
WHOOZIDOOTZ -- and ME GREGORY -- It is me!! too confusing -- I will change it!! I don't like this stuff.
Working on the Cams
We swapped out cameras in the Nest View spot earlier this week. Unfortunately we are having some technical issues with the new cam getting it to connect online. We hope to resolve the issue yet this week or early next week. Until we are finished you will likely see a few times where both cameras...
my stars--
Working on the Cams
We swapped out cameras in the Nest View spot earlier this week. Unfortunately we are having some technical issues with the new cam getting it to connect online. We hope to resolve the issue yet this week or early next week. Until we are finished you will likely see a few times where both cameras...
Whoozidootz is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 6, 2015
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