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Christina Wigren
Recent Activity
Christina Wigren is now following Jack E
Jul 17, 2010
Dear Michelle, I am so sorry that vandals have cut your screen door. You must be really angry. I am glad that the cats are unharmed; but what a scare! We had a similar, but milder thing happen to us: One night, someone cut all of our daffodils that were growing around a sundial in the middle of the yard. They were not even near the fence. Did they need a bouquet quick? When the flowers were prettiest. I hate vandals. I hope this will be the last of it for you. But you are left with a creepy feeling. Best wishes, Anna (aka Christina Wigren) Take a peek when you have the time. It's a permalink:
Christina Wigren is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 13, 2010