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Psychic - Jesse - x9027
Isn't this a great blog?! It's almost as good as a reading!
Interests: writing, singing, playing music, belly dancing, ancient religions, traveling all over the world, teaching classes in divination, and paranormal pursuits
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I know that I have watched women be manipulated by "fads" and fiction that pass off as "news" for years. Remember when the big statement went out that a woman over 35 had a better chance of being abducted by terrorists than she had of finding a marriage partner? (For those of you who may not recall that, all the news channels blasted us with that one back in the mid 1980s!) Men were suddenly having a field day picking and choosing! Even though all these news channels made a very, very small retraction, the cat was out of the bag and women started looking desperate...much like those television shows that pit women against one anotehr to vie for the affections of a total stranger! (Now THAT'S love, isn't it?! LOL!) It is time for women to relax and fall in love with themselves first! After all, you get what you "settle for" in this life...and love should never be something that just fills in the blanks in your world! That is the attitude that creates prenuptial agreements (also known as "exit plans) and sets the stage for numerous affairs while each partner hopes to find the one who can really set fire to the heart. My advice is to throw out all these "rule books" and listen to your own heart. Have fun falling in love with your life and you will be surprised how many wonderful people will find you even more attractive than you were before!
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Hi, Michelle, Great information! Many of these shows are ones I didn't know existed because we don't watch television, but we do download certain shows on our computer. I don't know exactly how the ratings were done, but I have to tell you that, unfortunately, Ghost Hunters really sold out. They went from rarely finding true paranormal activity (and when they did it was real and wonderful!) to now doing exactly what their sponsors and their BBC counterpart, Most Haunted, has done: everything is haunted! My partner and I have done many paranormal investigations and rarely are there any real moments that simply cannot be otherwise explained. Those who have read some of my earlier posts will remember some of my experiences in Ireland and some very interesting ones in Texas and Washignton state. However, even those who could find a way to do this full time would not hit 2 real cases a week...the odds would just be radically against it. So, dear Michelle, it is with heavy heart that I have to let you and your gentle readers know that Ghost Hunters has gone the way of so many who allow money and fame to blind them from their true gifts. They have been proven numerous times to "fake" their "evidence" now. (If you want to see some of the fakes caught by fans, just go to YouTube and type in "Ghost Hunters fake evidence" and look at the numerous well researched videos. However, the first 2 seasons of Ghost Hunters appear to be true and accurately depicted. Let's keep on searching for those real moments! Jesse 9027
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Dear Gina Rose, As always, your advice is brilliant! I have been teaching classes in divination and psychic development for more than 25 years and I have seen a spark in almost every one of my students. However, there are very few who have the tenacity and the ability to do what we do professionally. I think it is very sad when people spend thousands of dollars on courses and books in hope of finding their inner strengths. Let's face it, the best way to look for things that are lie sleeping inside is to look INSIDE! ;-) A good teacher can help develop these talents, but if those abilities aren't there, no class or teacher or book can create them. Many blessings, Jesse ext.9027
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2010 on A Degree in Psychics? at California Psychics®
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Dear Jen, I dont know if this will reach you since I am responding outside of TypePad, but this is the only way I can figure out how! ;-) Thank you for your comments about past life work. Yes, it can be done over the phone and I have done dozens of them in such a manner. It requires some advance planning on the part of both the querent and the regressionist. Several of the cases I did in the late 1980s and early 1990s are being complied and will soon be published in a book of case studies I have been compiling for the past 8 years. The impact that a past life regression can make on a present situation is often astonishing! The cases I am writing about in the new book will deal with 12 case histories in which the persons life was completely altered forever (quite literally!) Many of these cases can be verified through old court records, etc. It is very real and these lives were just a few of the ones who will connect the dots and find their true destiny. For a regression to be successfully done over the phone, the querent needs to be in a place where there is NO outside stimulus: no cell phones, no dogs, no doorbell ringing, etc. They also need a headset so they can hear my instructions without worrying about keeping the phone to their ear. Each regression takes about an hour. The time to discuss what was experienced takes MUCH longer! If I can ever be of any help, consider it done! You do a great job with the blog and it is my genuine honor to be in contact with you! Happy Holly Daze! Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2009 on The Lovely Bones at California Psychics®
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I agree completely, Gina Rose! To quote Don Henley:"This year notoriety got all confused with fame and the devil is downhearted cause there's nothing left for him to claim!" I don't know when we started being a culture that thinks a 24 year old hooker has information that should be revered, but after all, the same guy who owns Fox, Direct TV and the Wall Street Journal also owns the New York Post: Rupurt Murdoch: the man who (almost single handed) put this country into more turmoil, fear and debt now wants us to take advice from a hooker who is barely over the legal age! None for me! Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2009 on Would You Ask Ashley? at California Psychics®
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A friend of mine once said he was a militant agnostic, "I don't know and neither do you" was his favorite statement about the changes that may (or may not) happen on the other side of the life we now know. Every religion has its own take on what waits for us and every person in that religion has a "fine tuning" of what that may be. With more than 25 years of past life regression work to my credit, I have got to believe that life is a true continuum of time and space and that death is simply a phase just the same as birth. One creates a physical manifestation that we can collectively see and touch and the other removes it. The energy, however, remains constant. A basic law of physics: "Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change shape." We are head to toe energy. We are carbon based and filled with liquid so that energy can trasmit easily throughout every cell. And in the psychic world, we can see that energy doesn't stop within the cells! I have heard many souls from the other side and have shared their messages with those they seek to hear them. This is not a "flight of fancy". What I have been told is very real and I could not have had any previous knowledge of the issues at hand. Something HAD to be there to guide me. I believe that many spirits stay very close for quite a while. Since all time is happening "now", there will be no acknowledgement from the other side as to how "long" they stay nearby. However, from my own personal experiences with death and from what I have expereinced through others, whatever is waiting on the other side does not include a "lake of fire" or any kind of extreme judgement. It is a time of processing what has been learned and trying to understand what to do next. If we can "create" our own heaven, it would mean we have the power to alter natural laws. Who knows? Maybe we do! Maybe my friend is right after all! ;-) Many Blessings, Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2009 on The Lovely Bones at California Psychics®
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Hail and well met, dear Liam... Good job on your advice column! As a Practioner of the Old Ways, I have watched is great sadness as the Great Rite has been so diluted that the sacred is often bypassed completely for the thrill of the moment. As you know, when we handfast, it is for "as long as love shall last". I really feel that this makes far more sense than trying to have people feel as though they are "forced" to stay in a relationship where love and passion have long left. So many people end up being deceitful and paying an enormous price both karmically and currently because they were raised to believe that legal marriage is a bond that becomes true bondage. They struggle against it, fight it, and try to "trick" it and seek an outside energy into giving them something more than what they have at that moment. Leaving a relationship is never easy nor should it be. It should be entered into with the same (hopefully) serious considerations that began the relationship. However, if people are deceiving one another, no good can ever come from it! Relationships can certainly continue without sex, but passion can still, and, in my opinion, SHOULD still continue on. If there is no passion and no joy left, it is time to leave. Period. May Yule bring you warmth, prosperity and joy. Bright Blessings! Jesse 9027
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Dear Kara, You also might want to consider reaching beyond your "comfort zone" and meeting some guys you don't know yet. Just because something is familiar doesn't mean it's the best for you. It only means that some of the initial moments have been worked through. The chances are really good that this guy may not be the way you remember him being. There are LOTS of ways to meet really great guys and expand your world. I know it can be a little scary, but life is either a Grand Adventure or it is very little! take care, Jesse 9027
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Dear Gina Rose, LOL! That is too funny...and strange...because that is one of my OTHER BUMPER STICKERS! No kidding! (I actually have a total of 4...and they are good ones! If you ever check out Northern Sun, you will find a world of such yummies!) In fact, I have a rather funny story about it: When I first put that one on (a couple of years ago) I was getting out of my van when this little old lady came up to me and, after reading the bumper sticker, she placed her hand on my arm and, "Oh, honey, are you the one who's sister got hurt in the accident with the house?" I swear to you that is a true story! LOL! I just smiled and said, "Yes, ma'am.." and thanked her for her kindness. I wasn't about to disrespect or risk humiliating an elder by telling her it was a joke that we Witches like to refer to! Is that too hilarious or what? And what are the odds of you and I having the same one?? Hmmm...we have GOT to look into this one day! Have a truly awesome day, my friend. I hope you find this response faster than I found yours! With love and blessings, Jesse 9027
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Dear Miss Krystal, You have always had the most brilliant things to write and I have enjoyed every one of them. This was another great one! I suppose it is now time for me to throw in my 25 cents worth (inflation, you know!), so here it is: I have written two published books on ancient religions (matriarchal) and have spent many years studying how spirituality became dominated by a patriarchal set of rules. Since the books average in excess of 320 pages each, I will spare our gentle readers the "meat" and go straight for the "pudding" (Pink Floyd fans will get that inference ;-) To quote my bumper sticker: "Religion is for those who believe in hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there!" I have always been amazed at "born again" folks who use the "old testament" as a basis for determining everything from people's civil rights to who "god" loves best. The first "flaw" in this convoluted thinking is that each one of those "gentiles" are to be put to death according to that same group of writings. And that's just for starters! If you really want to take on the beginning book of the "old testament", you will also have to acknowledge that the first "human" was a woman named Lillith. No kidding! Just ask any orthdox Rabbi or read an original version of the Torah or the Talmud. As Lewis Black so beautifully put it when he was describing why he felt so many of the religious "not-so-right" folks were picking and choosing their way through the laws in the Old Testament, "It's easy to understand why you are so confused about these writings. It's NOT YOUR BOOK!" I believe most Rabbis would agree with that ;-) But if these folks want to proceed with "suffer a Witch not to live, etc...", then they should realize that the only difference between those who were "blessed" by god giving them visions and others who would be killed by experiencing similar visions was simply which side of the page you stood on. If you were of the group who wrote the bible, you were "in". Everyone else was "out". Doesn't seem quite fair, does it? History isn't the only thing written by the "winners". My grandmother was a beautiful old "Hedge Witch" and always told me, "If anyone ever asks, just say you're baptist...that makes them happy and they go away!" LOL! And so ends my rants for the night, kiddies! Love and blessings to us all, Jesse 9027
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Dear Gina Rose, I have only one word to comment on that one: AMEN! LOL!!!! You are too precious! Love and blessings, Jesse 9027
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Dear Heidi Kentwood, Thank you for your kind words about the article. To answer your question: The great thing about mapping out your perfect day is that you don't really need to "do" much of anything. After you have really written it all out, most folks find themselves thinking about it for a long time to come. From time to time, they will even re-read it. It is in THOSE moments when you can see that some "minor adjustments" may still be needed and so you can do some small things to keep the course set. For instance, if, in your perfect day, you had written, among other things, that you were going to be wearing a perfect size 10 pair of jeans on that day and, as time was marching on, you noticed that you weren't really losing much weight or exercising very much. So, you start with something that moment, you choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator or you eat something healthy for breakfast. Just some small thing to let your spirit know that you are serious about the goal. The things that you can't really do anything about in your perfect day will just simply begin to take shape as the things you CAN control are strengthened. As corny as it sounds, "The greatest journey (really does) begin with the smallest step." You don't have to do anything big to keep your motivation...just tell your Spirit that you really mean it and show your mind that you are willing to help the process along the best way you can. If you are really lacking motivation, you may need to reconsider what you have written. That's the reason that it is so important to WRITE it all down. What we "think" doesn't have the depth of what we really focus on while we write. That's the reason that journals are so helpful for people. There is amazing insight to be seen when we bring all of our senses together and allow our Spirits to "speak out" on paper. What does your Spirit have to show you? I hope this helped! Good luck! Many Blessings, Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2009 on Create Your Dream Life at California Psychics®
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Hey BrownEyes! I am finally figuring out how to track you down on this thing! Wow! Think of coming out of the 19th century! LOL! Any day now I might move into the 20th...and then, who kows? I may get a television and then learn what the heck a Twitter is! LOL! On to a more serious note: Darlin', from what I know of you (and I think I have been honored and blessed to have a fairly good perspective of who you are) any man who doesn't show you the love, respect and PRIORITY that you deserve does not deserve YOU! I'm not just saying that to be "nice". I hope you know me well enough to know that I am going to tell you all that I see and admit to what I can't see. I know how hard it can be to let go. I know that when someone is in our path for a very specific reason or lesson, sometimes we have to realize that the lesson might be to learn how to let go of things that no longer serve us very well. Your fella seems to be far more than stubborn and I don't think it's going to be very practical to invite someone else into your life until you are really well and certainly done with this "heart stomper". Some folks have a lot of luck on those dating sites, but either I got too old or too ugly or both, but I don't seem to have much luck with them, either...LOL! It's been a long time since I was single and as Bubba Garth sang so eloquently, "This learning to live again is killing me.." But there is so much possibility in your life, baby girl! We can't lose sight of that! You connect with people in a truly magical way and when you are really ready, I KNOW that a man worthy of you will arrive. He may be in a white Ford instead of on a white horse, but he will be there. I think you are getting yourself ready to release the heartbreaker and are getting ready to heal. That's just my impression. You have been through FAR more than most, sweet angel, and you have one heck of a story to tell..and there is more room in a broken heart. Once you start to patch it up, you will be surprised how strong it is...and how valuable! About a million years ago when I was good lookin' and could find my waist ;-) I was a professional welder for many years (no kidding! I could weld anything from a broken heart to the break of day! LOL!) One thing I learned early on was that the weld itself was stronger than the two pieces of metal it broght together. I've always looked at that like a metaphor for love. What brings two hearts together is stronger than either of those hearts alone. And where those hearts connect is unbreakable! When you are ready to let your heart find it's new match, that bond is going to be stronger than anything you've ever known before. You can take that to the bank, little one. All you have to do is get there from here. That's the toughest part and the most direct...and you can do it. With my love and support, Your Texas Sister, Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2009 on Predictions Update at California Psychics®
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Psychic - Jesse - x9027 is now following Fran
Oct 31, 2009
Psychic - Jesse - x9027 is now following Account Deleted
Oct 31, 2009
Great job again, Gina Rose! From all of us who are very busy today and will be VERY busy tonight ;-), thank you for clarifying and informing those who may not understand the importance of this most blessed and wonderful time of year. Blessed be to Thee, my dear one! Blessed Samhain and New Year! Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2009 on The History of Halloween at California Psychics®
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My beautiful ClaraBell! I am so sorry that I keep missing you! We REALLY need to get togther. I will be on later today (Halloween/Samhain) and if you are going to have anytime this weekend, I will make sure to st ay on until I get to you. If possible, just respond to this blog and I will watch for you. Looks like things are shaking up in your life right now...and they are right on schedule! ;-) I'm so glad that I listened to my guides when they told me to find you today. Something said that you were trying to connect with me...and that "something" is ALWAYS right ;-) I'm so sorry I wasn't around when you needed me before, but I will check this blog later today and make sure I stay close. With my love and true heart, Jesse 9027
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Dear Fran, I hope you are planning on having a wonderful Halloween/Samhain tonight. It's a GREAT night for paranormal investigations and I will certainly be thinking of you later on today! ;-) Love and blessings, Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2009 on Predictions Update at California Psychics®
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Sweet Brown Eyes, How are you, darlin'? I know I haven't logged in much lately, but this is a very busy time of year for me...LOL! How have you been? I keep you in my thoughts and have been wanting to check in with you for awhile. I hope you are taking good care of yourself because many of the effects of of menopause can be greatly changed by what we well as what we are doing ;-) Just wanted to pop and and send my love. Please keep me posted! Love and blessings, Jesse 9027
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2009 on Predictions Update at California Psychics®
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My dear Gina Rose, First, you couldn't be "an old woman" if you tried! LOL! Just because we are crones, we are still sexy...I hope I am, and I can tell you are, too! LOL! Your advice was great and quite thought provoking...(loved the part about rewriting the are SO right about that!) I completely agree about the importance of comfortable companionship vs. red hot sex. I think we have all known people who were great is bed and worthless all the rest of the time. Even though my partner is 14 years younger than me, we have been together for 16 years and my "lustiness" ;-) has ebbed and waned and we have also walked through longs periods of health issues for my beloved, as well. It was the depth of the devotion that kept us alive as a couple. It wasn't always easy, but we have always seemed to find our way back to one another. I think we live in a culture with the attitude that everything is disposable. From our razors to our relationships. If it doesn't seem to be as bright and shining as it once was, throw it out and get another one! That is just wrong! I counsel people all the time who are already in a relationship and are lining up the next one because the old one just doesn't feel exciting anymore. The change they are seeking needs to come from within themselves. If folks worked a bit more on what was "dull" about their own perceptions and not so much on their partner's shortcomings, there would be so many fewer divorces. And speaking of my beloved, I was just brought a nice bagel and juice for breakfast here in THAT's really hot! ;-) Blessed Samhain, Jesse 9027
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Dear Gina Rose, I love what you wrote about Samhain on the main site today! I know that today/night is a very busy time of year for both of us (and all who follow our Path) but I wanted to track down something you had written so I could send you a big "thank you" for your accurate information and also to send you many blessings for the New Year. May the turning of the Year bring you continued success and many wonderful additions to your world! I will remember you to my Sacred Fires tonight. And, Cloe...great job on this article, too. Looks like we hav some very sensible and gifted psychics here at CP!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2009 on What Are Soulmates? at California Psychics®
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HI, Julia, As someone who has been doing paranormal investigations for more than 30 years, I have seen a lot more cases that had to do with the heating or cooling of buildings making things go "bump" in the night than I have real paranormal activties. (Although I have had some real hair raising ones as you can read in some of my other posts ;-) The fact that it happens at 6 a.m. is really interesting because that is the time when the daytime barometers are going to show atmospheric's just the cooling of the night giving way to the warmer day. My advice is to first check with your weather info online and find out precisely when the combination of temperature and barometric pressures are changing. Most often, when such a change is occuring, a weak spot in the walls or ceiling f a building will "pop" or "knock" as the material responds to the pressure change. If absolutely nothing is happening within and hour or so of that time every day or if it continues at that exact time throughout the changing of seasons, THEN you may have something to really investigate. In the meantime, good luck and get some rest! ;-) Many Blessings, Jesse 9027
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My sweet Fran, You are SO good for me! I have missed hearing from you! Thank you so much for your kind words and your support. I LOVE reading your stories, too. Please keep them coming! I love learning even more about your wonderful adventures and seeing how beautifully open you have allowed yourself to become. You set a wonderful example for us all! Love and blessings, Jesse 9027
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Dear Karen, How great to hear from you! I will light a candle for you and your young man. There are many things that will continue to unfold in this and you are being guided into a place in your life where the world is waiting for you! Love and Blessings, Jesse 9027
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Good for you! Your abilities are obviously getting stronger and more clear! Keep the strength of spirit that is required to fully utilize and continue to expand your particular gifts. You have many wonderful experiences ahead and we will all enjoy hearing more of your adventures! Thank you for sharing this! Jesse 9027
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