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Charlene Austin
Recent Activity
Congratulations, Anrea! You were the randomly chosen winner!! I have emailed you for your address!
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2012 on June Studio AE and a Giveaway at Willow & Paisley
1 reply
I am a paper crafts blogger but I'm afraid that my 4+ years of Typepad have been pretty basic. I haven't gone beyond the basic format with the look and feel of my blog. What I am really excited about is that since the end of January I am on a journey to change my health. I've changed the way I'm eating and I've lost 20lbs. I can't tell you how much better I feel. I even just bought a mini rebounder to start getting active. Your book Sugar Shock sounds like something I very much need to look into. Thank you for that and for the chance to win 1 free year of blogging. That might even motivate me to learn a few computer savvy things!
Come on over and I'll test out my pasta making skills on you!
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I know....such a deal. The lady at the thrift store counter looked like she knew it was probably priced too low so I had to play it all cool like it wasn't a big deal. Ha.
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Thanks MDQ! I love sharing them so I'm glad you do enjoy them!!
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You + Invite = Heartbeat!
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I could never pick a favorite. I love it all and enjoyed it thoroughly! I am in awe and absolutely astounded at how far Papertrey has come.
They are way too yummy not to eat....ask me how I know. Ha. Sent from my iPhone
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I am truly in love with the lace bouquet stamp set!! It's right up my vintage loving alley!!
Thanks Gabby! I hope it was work the wait. Geez, I am so tech challenged. Ugh.
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2011 on Loonie Stampers Challenge at Willow & Paisley
1 reply
Thanks for you help Sandy.......can you see the pics now??
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2011 on Loonie Stampers Challenge at Willow & Paisley
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No, I dont think he had a clue really. He didnt have much to say and what he did made me think he wasnt too up on the Jadeite world. Or maybe he was just smart enough to not say anything! Lol. I was looking at pics on my phone while I was at the sale and I didnt see the differences until I got home and really researched it in my book and online Basically I kinda knew they werent the real deal but I was hoping they were at least reproductions from original molds and didnt know about the existence of the fakes coming out of China. eBay has some great articles about this stuff. Live and learn. But it was still fun. Ive spent more on worse. Ha. Sent from my iPad
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2011 on Jadeite Fakeite at Willow & Paisley
1 reply
OMG I am officially exited about this release! Yay! Love it. CUTENESS!!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
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