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Will Robinson
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Sounds better than advertised. I'd love to see it with the guys. I'm pretty sure Liam and Luke get some open mouth kisses from Camille from time to time, which I actively encourage (at least until they hit puberty).
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Babies: A Movie Review at Be Nice to Mama
Great post. I checked out the article over on CNN and saw that someone posted a comment about how giving kids an iPhone to play with while "waiting in line at the grocery store" or during other mundane activities is not a big deal. They're right, it's not a big deal, but why not talk to the kid instead? On a plane ride last night I spent 15-20 minutes going through the safety guide with Liam to "kill time". He was completely mesmerized as I took him through the illustrations, asked him questions about what was going on and had him act out the processes of opening the emergency exit doors and putting on his inflatable vest. He couldn't believe the plan actually had slides hidden in the exit doors. It would have been so much easier given him an iPhone, but where's the fun in that?
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2010 on The iPhone Phenomenon at Be Nice to Mama
Thanks for sharing this. There needs to be a movement to allow and encourage birthing mothers to have as many support people around them as they wish. I think having a doula at our two births was a huge help.
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Feb 12, 2010
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Feb 12, 2010