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Actor, Student, Writer, Reader, Nerdfighter, Potterhead, Whovian, Amazing.
Interests: Chris Pine (Piney), Heroes, Star Trek, Movies, Writing, Books, Comics, Acting, Harry Potter, StarKidPotter, Scooby-Doo, Psychology, Winter, Jay Baruchel, Cirque du Freak, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Merlin
Recent Activity
winter2AKAPiney added a photo at Zachary Quinto
I just had to come back and post one last time! I haven't since November 5, 2011... *sigh* My computer crashed a few summers ago and I was able to recover some pictures. This was among them. >< ahaha (Not originally mine)
Sep 12, 2012
winter2AKAPiney added a photo at Zachary Quinto
I recently cut my own hair and got me a new Psych iPhone cover... :) I watched the first part of the two Halloween American Horror Story episodes with Quinto. :) I enjoyed it. Although, when he was being tossed around, I said, "Don't you mess with Sylar! He'll kill you!" >< Heroes still has its grasp on me. :P I hope you are all doing well. Thanksgiving is coming up for us Americans and then Christmas (Hanukah, Kwanzaa, etc.) then the new year! Is it just me or did 2011 go by super fast?! Next year the world ends and I get to go to Spain and Greece! :D ahhahaha Happy Friday!
Nov 4, 2011
winter2AKAPiney added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2011
"Hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt!"
Toggle Commented Oct 8, 2011 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Unfortunately, no. But I have a Dr. Seuss shirt that says, "Trust me I'm a doctor" and I have a purple bow tie and purple overcoat and my mum is working on finding me a fez. :) ahahha, not that great, as I said, my costumes generally suck.
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2011 on No title at Zachary Quinto
winter2AKAPiney added a photo at Zachary Quinto
QUESTION TIME! Halloween preparing 1. Do you carve pumpkins for the holiday? If so, what are some of your past favorite homemade jack-o-lanterns? No, we get pumpkins then forget to carve... 2. What is your favorite scented candles that remind you of this season? I guess cinnamon smells like Halloween... 3. What was your favorite Halloween candy as a child? Your worst? Skittles = favourite! Payday = worst. I just don't like Paydays 4. Do you have any favorite Halloween storybooks from childhood or for your children? There are Halloween storybooks? :P 5. Do you or have you attended Halloween costume parties? A few, yea. My costumes always fail, though, and people just generally dislike me so I don't go out much. :( 6. Ever spend the night in a haunted graveyard on Halloween? No but I have spent all night in a graveyard on a regular day in summer. 7. What do you think will be the most popular costume or costumes this year? Lady Gaga, Glee cheerleader, Justin Beaver, and Harry Potter. Personally, I will be The Doctor. :) 8. What is your favorite spooky Halloween inspired song? Monster Mash is just fun. Thriller is epic. 10. What is your favorite movie or movies to watch during this month? Anything scary, really. The Shining, The Ring, The Grudge, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Final Destination, Thirteen Ghosts...
Oct 5, 2011
winter2AKAPiney added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 30, 2011 Enter your birthday and it tells you who your archangel is... I got Raphael. :)
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2011 on No title at Zachary Quinto
CASS!!! .< Supernatural has taken over my life... I watched the first six seasons in less than a month. I actually finished the season six finale 2 minutes before season seven aired so then I watched that. New episode tonight! :D
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2011 on No title at Zachary Quinto
winter2AKAPiney added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 30, 2011
DEXTER! I have the first book. :) I am behind on the TV series though... :s Not by much. I just missed most of last season so I am not watching the current one. ^_^
1 reply
Doctor Who drink for those over 21: Sonic Screwdriver. It consists of vodka, Blue Curacao, and Sprite. :) *I know I am 18 but I know of this because an older university friend told me*
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2011 on No title at Zachary Quinto
winter2AKAPiney added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 28, 2011
QUESTION TIME: Through the decades. 1. What fashions from the 20th century would you like to see come back? Anything from the 80s or 90s... Colours, leg warmers, leggings, strange shirts... 2. Can you do the Charleston? I don't know.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
I will definitely walk through Central Park! Thanks for the suggestion! :D I will try to find free stuff, as well.
winter2AKAPiney added a photo at Zachary Quinto
I'm not new but I haven't been around in awhile so you n00bs probably don't know me... And you old members could use a refresher... QUESTION TIME: A little about you! Maybe a pic to go with the questions? We have much more members since the last time I did something like this. 1. Male or female? FE = Iron Male = Man I AM IRON MAN! 2. What name do you like to go by? Iron Man... :P Kyriè or Piney 3. What color are your eyes? Blue 4. What color is your hair? Brown 5. Long hair or short? Party in the front, business in the back. No joke. 6. What are your hobbies? Reading, acting, dancing, trying to sing, doing puzzles, watching TV, procrastinating 7. What interests you most about the ZQC? All the different people who are united by one amazing man. 8. Do you have many members in your family or not? Eh. You could say so. I mean, everybody's got a large family tree. xD Not many live near me so... I'd go with no. 9. What is it that you most admire in ZQ? Acting ability. 10. If you could or can what charities would you or do you support? Trevor Project.
Sep 25, 2011
winter2AKAPiney added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 25, 2011
I don't have a caption but all I see is Professor X [Milo] and Magneto [Sendhil]...
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2011 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Is anybody going to be in NYC on October 6/7 (maybe 6-10)... I will be around. :) Anything fun to do besides Broadway plays and window shopping? >.< I'm thinking of going to Mood and getting something for my mum... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
To the brig with ye, Silvia! Arr, better yet! I'll have me first mate Smee walk ye off th' plank!
1 reply
Not well. The rum's gone. :P
1 reply
winter2AKAPiney added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Hahaha. I'm watching Supernatural and this dude totally got Sylar'd!
Sep 19, 2011
It's Monday! You know what that means! Season premier of Hero-- oh, wait. Darn. :( Let's make our own season premier based on where Heroes left off! :D I think Claire should be punished somehow. I don't like her. :|... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
Hahaha. No, but they do have marshmallows with ghost faces and other Halloween-y creatures made from pretzels or something. And, of course, Mickey Mouse. Every kid wants to eat a Mickey Mouse shaped treat. Except me. I want the plain, caramel apple. :)
1. What is the one food you could never get tired of eating? Cheese pizza. :) 2. What is your favorite dish at a Mexican restaurant? Bean and cheese burrito. I'm so boring. 3. What is your favorite dish at... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2011 at Zachary Quinto