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Mom, colleague, friend and photographer
Interests: Learning, creating, sharing, thinking, doing, being
Recent Activity
Out in the Desert
I drove out to the desert to meet the boys camping. It was dark when I arrived. I had no idea where I was really. I just knew that I was only forty-five minutes from our home. I wasn't expecting... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2011 at Diet Coke with Lime
Huggin' Cousins
Sometimes... Moments are... Just too precious... ...for words. Seem like this is a trend lately?! ;-) Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2011 at Diet Coke with Lime
No Need For Words
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Posted Feb 5, 2011 at Diet Coke with Lime
Just When I Was About To Quit
William recevied an Indiana Jones hat and whip for Christmas from Santa. He looked so cute, I just had to get a picture. So I tried to get a nice natural light shot, but this was all I was getting...... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2011 at Diet Coke with Lime
Landscape photography doesn't come naturally to me, but every now and then I take a shot and find myself staring at it for a long time. This is one of those shots. Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2011 at With Lime PhotoBlog
I am greatful for my little 5 lb chihuahua - his tiny heart seems to be able to fill up a whole house full of love!
a sneak, a deal, and a FREE STUDIO CALICO KIT....
i hope that today's post has you so giddy you forget it's been quiet here on the sassafras blog. it's been a busy few weeks in sassafras land. next week you will see why (hint..hint) today we have a deal for all of you who are searching the web high and low to find just the right thing for the ...
My Best Birthday Ever
Why? Because I didn't expect a thing and I received everything. People at work lit a candle taped between two little milk dud boxes and sang to me... gave me a container of the most delicious dark chocolate truffles... and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
He Does, She Does
Wedding photos... Part 1. We'll start with the best part... my boys! Aren't they handsome?! I find it interesting to look through different people's photos of the same wedding. You start to wonder... were they at the same wedding as... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
A Little Slice of Heaven
I took these photographs one day just before my morning laps. Although I'm not sure five stokes, flip... five stokes, flip... is technically laps. Maybe I should just call it my morning dip. Everyone else was sleeping and the sun... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
Summer Days
Do you recognized these eyes?! Yes, it's me. I'm back. We have moved and I am now somewhat settled so it's time to start sharing my photos and stories again. It's going to be difficult since I have an intrinsic... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
Thank you, Diane. The audiologist did warn me about wearing them too much. It has worked out as he has only wanted to wear them in select, more extreme situations. Although on the upcoming plane ride... we are bring both the ear plus and the headphones! I don't think either of us can go through that again. ;-)
About Me
I Am A wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and colleague. I Live I have successfully lived life for 45 years. I have been both student and teacher… leader and follower… winner and loser. I have seen beauty and ugliness. I have felt both ecstasy and total devastation. I have experienced the...
Hats Off to William
William is growing up. On one hand, too fast for me. I can't believe he has graduated from Kindergarten. It seems like only yesterday he was a little baby that cried all night long and didn't let me get one... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
Our pleasure!
Bringing in 2010
Happy New Year! I just know it is going to be a great year. I can feel it. Of course, I am behind in my posts so Christmas will come after New Years this year. At least in this little online virtual reality I create. So... we brought in the New Year with our neighbors again. It is always a fun...
America's Tallest Tales
Jack's class at school performed the play, America's Tallest Tales. I think the story line was something about how Paul Bunyon lost Babe, the blue ox, and Paul visited with different fiction characters until his found Babe. But the highlight... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
Identical Twins
I woke up to this the other day. Both my boys sleeping in an identical pose. It was one of those moments when a mother just stands in silence and sighs. Both of their heads tilted to the left, one... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
Bittersweet Moments
It has been a while since I have come here to share our journey with you. The main reason for my absence is we are moving to Arizona. While Jack has continued on his path, I have concentrated on the move. It has taken all of my energy and time to prepare our home for sale, look for a new home, preparing at work, and organizing everything I need to move a family to another state. Instead of being panicked about Jack every day, I have had plenty of other things to panic about. It has turned out to be... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at Jack's Journey
A Purpose in Life
When I started writing about Jack's journey with an auditory processing disorder, I had grandiose ideas that I would write about things that would help people in similar situations. I would take the time to share all that I learn and help people facing the same struggle make some of the difficult decisions this journey throws your way - and there are plenty of them. Instead, I found myself struggling to hold on. After every defining moment... just when I thought I hit the bottom of the iceberg... more comes. Sometimes I began to think I couldn't handle any more.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2010 at Jack's Journey
An Image of Art
Just an image of art. Hanging on a wall. Such beautiful colors. I couldn't resist. Camera: Nikon D90 Exposure: 2 Aperture: f/4.2 Focal Length: 38 mm ISO Speed: 100 Exposure Bias: 0 EV Flash: No Flash Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at With Lime PhotoBlog
The Puzzle was Solved
It's been quite a roller coaster ride for me over the last few weeks. So much so that I could find the strength to write about what has been going on. It has been quite a journey... especially for me, emotionally. Leading up to the testing schedule with Dr. Riddle, it was hard to think about anything else. What would she find? Who she find anything? Is this really all just an auditory processing issue? Why does everyone that works with him tell me he has something different? APD, language delays, ADD? Who is right and who is wrong? Then... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2010 at Jack's Journey
Very well! I am waiting for the written report, but even so far - with just the consultation afterward - it was worth every penny. I know more than I did before. I have a good idea on what to do... and a good idea on what not to do moving forward. (Note: I had extraordinary circumstances and worked directly with Dr. Riddle in lieu of the DU program. My understanding is the results are the same, it just takes a little longer to get the results through the DU program since you have more than one person reviewing the final report. I have heard only great things about their program.)
Life Goes On
Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I last wrote. Sometimes it all seems so overwhelming that you just try to make it through another day. You stop looking at the big picture. You stop taking a moment to reflect on what is happening around you... or inside of you. You lose clarity of...
Absolutely! On its way...
Kissing Cousins
The great thing about the last camping trip was having Nate and Kristy come along with their two girls - Katie and Brooklynn. Jack and Will's cousins. It was fun watching them hang out. Like they were old friends. It must be in their blood. Dave is the only of three brothers that had bo...
6 Men and a Lady
We took a trip to the Wildlife Experience Museum in Parker, Colorado. It has to be one of the coolest places on earth to spend an afternoon with your family. And we got to experience it with two families! There... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
A Bike Too Big
Tonight, I just want to tell you how much I love this boy. He just got on his new too-big-for-me bike and gave it his all. He rode it like there was no tomorrow. He rides up the street... just... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
Book Fair
Last week, Jack's school had a book fair at the local Barnes and Noble. Just with book purchased in the store that night... they raised $3,000. Amazing. More Amazing then that was Jack's class sang, America the Beautiful. And they... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at Diet Coke with Lime
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Mar 15, 2010
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