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Gainesville, Florida
I am a writer and editor in Florida.
Interests: spirituality, family, friends, pets, music, poetry, writing, science, environmentalism
Recent Activity
Donegin Takes on the God of the Sea
I have a character that I want to write a book about, but right now I've been so busy with editing that I haven't had a chance to work on anything new. I sent a story about this character out and it got published in 2012. A friend of mine... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
The Bookseller’s Battle: Hatchette and Amazon
The online site, Amazon, is currently the largest bookseller in the world. But they have been involved in a dispute with a major publisher, Hatchette (, a publishing company with such high-profile clients as Michael Connolly and David Baldacci. The French company expanded into the U.S. in 2006 and shortly... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
Finding Lost Work
I had to write a so-called "Life Map" for a class I'm taking called "Storytelling for Change." So I put a lot of personal photos in and also put a lot of logos from the literary magazines where I've been published. I found a lot of materials that I'd forgettin... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
What Agents Don't Want
If you have a great novel or non-fiction book and you want to get the best deal with a publisher, you’re going to need a literary agent. But while there are plenty of sites out there that tell you what an agent is looking for, there are very few places... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
Carving out the Time
One of the toughest problems a writer faces is how to find the time to work on their own material when they have to keep their day job. It's a vicious circle. You know if you could just finish that novel you're working on, you could make the big books... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
Finding Inspiration
Last night in one of my writer’s groups ( I am in a fiction and a memoir group - both connected to the Writers Alliance (, we talked about the best way to revise material. We debated the merits of just making small changes as opposed to an all-out, start-from-the-beginning,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
Bones 2009 © Wendy Thornton
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Posted Jan 17, 2014 at Inner Circle Writers
Sometimes you got to give a little
People always ask me how I get my writing and editing jobs. I bid on them, along with what sometimes seems like half the world. I am competing for jobs with people from other countries who will work for $5 an hour. I couldn't do that for long. But many... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
My Trashy Hollywood Novel
I was hoping I would have my trashy Hollywood novel out as a paperback and Kindle before the end of the month, but real life has been getting in the way of my writing – as always. Originally I wasn’t going to do a paperback, but the success of Dear... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
Getting it Done
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying.Woody Allen US movie actor, comedian, & director (1935 - ) Now that I finally have my book, Dear Oprah done and available (, something weird has happened. I never want to look at... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
One Down, Six to Go
I finally got my memoir, Dear Oprah, out on Amazon. What a chore! I had to format it over and over again to get it to read correctly and there are still some places that don't work well. Rule of thumb: Bulleted lists are a nightmare. Since they were readable,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
Classic Avoidance Behavior!
I promised myself I would write for an hour a day, before I did anything else for other people. It is truly amazing the number of things that have to be done before I can manage to convince myself it's okay to spend that hour writing for me. Already today... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
The Rise and Fall and Rise of Modern and Journalism
A few weeks ago, I signed up for a morning newsletter on the state of the media ( This makes fascinating reading, so fascinating that I am now putting it in my "To read later" file. Why do I have a "To read later" file? Because if you start your... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
Nobody Knows Where the Time Goes
Somehow, I thought I'd be further along in my quest to have no hidden spaces in my house. You know, those rooms you have to close off because they're such a disaster, those closets you can't open without something falling on your head, those drawers that hold things you can't... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
Asking permission:
I’m writing a story about what happened during my sister’s recent coma. She was in a coma for weeks, on a breathing tube, and there were times when we worried that she wouldn’t make it. I drove up to Birmingham, Alabama to help my parents, who were also suffering from... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2013 at Inner Circle Writers
If You Don't Ask
I recently got an essay accepted by New Plains Review: A Journal of Social Commentary ( I've been trying to get this thing published for years, an essay about seeing the band Sister Hazel perform and becoming a die-hard fan - as in fanatic. The essay, called "Change Your Mind,"... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
Getting the Jump
When it comes to publishing, I've always been a bit of a snob. If you're writing short fiction, poetry or non-fiction, you must have your work published in a hard-copy journal, preferably one associated with a University. Second would be a classy online journal that has been in existence for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
Information Omnivore
This has been such an exciting time. I've had the most interesting work - everything from a book on capitalism to a book on robotic surgery. It helps to be a science geek. I never could have become a scientist because I don't have a good, analytical mind. Math defies... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
What I've Learned so Far
Freelancing has been quite a learning experience. I've discovered that different people in different countries have unusual ideas about how to work with someone on a freelance basis. For instance, I worked with two people in Africa. One was a writing job, one was an editing job. Neither wanted to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
What We're Up Against
Freelance writers and editors have a tough time these days. Many contractors care little for quality, only quantity. I recently got beat out for an editing job by a young girl who had many typos in her application. Why did she get the job? Because she was willing to do... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
My Writing Resume
Publications Lying Still,, Halfway Down the Stairs, June 2012. I’m Not Writing About Robin, 2nd Place, Essay Contest, Literal Latte, publication date July, 2012. Donegin Takes on the God of the Sea, published, Epiphany Magazine, Dec. 2011. Children Singing, New Verse News, 9-11 special issue. New Galaxy, published Summer... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
The Strange World of Freelancing
I am in the process of preparing myself for my new career as a freelance writer and editor. Also as a starving member of the poverty class. Hopefully it won't get to that, but you never know. In the last week, I had one contractor get transferred, so I'm not... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
Where do you get Your Ideas?
I love it when people say to me, "I have the best idea for a book and you're just the person to write it for me." Or, "I want to tell my life story and I want you to write it. We'll split the profits." Oh, I see, I'm going... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
The New Normal - Slave Labor
If you want to be a writer, all you have to do is write. Sounds easy, yes? But if you want to make MONEY being a writer, that's different. Most writers either teach or spend half their lives promoting their books. It used to be you could be a journalist... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
Welcome to the Inner Circle
The title of my new blog is sort of a joke. I don't believe there's anything particularly exclusive about the circle of writers. In fact, I think they're mostly crazy as loons. There are exceptions, of course. Certainly there are creative writers who managed to stay relatively sane and still... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2012 at Inner Circle Writers
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