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Wieden + Kennedy London
Wieden + Kennedy London - a creative communications agency.
Recent Activity
Good to have you back.
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2016 on I’m baaaaack! at AdScam/The Horror!
yes - you need an EU passport to work in Londom and Amsterdam.
Send me your latest contact details and, since its you, and its Christmas, well sort you out.
Toggle Commented Dec 17, 2015 on Wieden+Kennedy swag at welcome to optimism
Yes, Aduvanchik, Melisss did come and visit. More info here:
Hello, Graeme here (I posted this). Yes, it was an oversight. I didn't draw the connection between the two things but I can see how you might have found it inappropriate. It's been amended. Apologies if any offence was caused, as I'm sure you'll appreciate it clearly wasn't intended. Cheers
Toggle Commented Sep 3, 2014 on On location with Honda at welcome to optimism