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Walter Knapp
Interests: Cycling, Running, Skiing, Working in Boulder, Linux, Open Source, Venture Capital
Recent Activity
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Hayley,Good point. I just checked the folder (which is still there) and indeed the icon suggests that it is shared. However, when I click on and view properties for the folder is states that it is not shared. Strange indeed!
[email protected]: wtknapp
Dropbox is kickass… except
I love Dropbox. Part of the reason I love it so much is that it solves real "business" problems that most I.T. departments either don't agree with, or don't have tactile experience with. It's also not lost on me that there is a certain sense of control aspect about my computing habits that I lik...
thanks Cody. Guess my trip to the tour got me to thinking (but not really recovering!)
Avoid being boring or irrelevant at all costs
We’re all in danger. It can happen when we least expect it. We get comfortable and complacent and the next thing you know, we’re boring and worse we become irrelevant. Know anyone like this? They talk about the same things. They reek of the glory days. They rely on past information and expe...
Walter Knapp is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
tom - agreed on the comment system.. the ride was fun (and hard!). Lets get out for a ride soon - shoot me your email.
Firecracker 50 - - 2009 edition
Last weekend I rode the Firecracker 50 in Breckenridge. As a friend put it: had they pre-ridden the course before they registered, they never would have registered. The site even says that there is a strict time-limit and the DNF rate is in the 25% range. Even more, people that...
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