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Wendy is now following The Agency
Sep 20, 2010
We have "No Tech Tuesdays" at our house. It's really hard. Oh wait, it's Tuesday! Oops. Typically it starts when the kids get tv, no video games, no cell phones for us, etc. There have been great days and difficult ones. It's harder than you think but so worth it.
We had a great staff meeting yesterday. We had some laughs, some evaluation, some accountability and some planning. We shared about people we are investing & inviting. We did a time line and plan for the 5:00 pm gathering this fall. We did some work on staffing, summer schedule and more. We got ...
Bonfire is very good. A friend of mine's nephew is one of the owners. The double wide is awesome, the lobster tacos are my favorite, and they have good prices. (Menu is online, too.) The salted butterscotch pudding at Mia & Grace is amazing...I don't even really like butterscotch and I basically licked the bowl clean. The pumpkin pancakes at Toast 'N Jams are the best I've ever had. Yikes, I must be hungry. I feel like I could write a novel about food.
I went to the Sweet Spot today. It's the coffeehouse at the Baker Culinary School downtown Muskegon. They had a bunch of gourmet pastries and desserts. The place looks sharp and I peeked in a class. It made me want to go to school there because I love food. A lot of people might know about spots...
Wendy is now following M@
Apr 27, 2010
Wendy added a favorite at M@
Apr 27, 2010
Wendy is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 27, 2010
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