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nice pic! lol
as for the topic, shyne is nowhere near the status of Gaga as an artist or icon. Also theyre in two totally different genres. one that is a little more flexible and less cut and paste than hip hop. Pop Stars are expected to do crazy things and wear things that draw attention. And it seems like the more left field u go in the fashion world, the more u r revered. But shyne is a hardcore hip hop artist. image shldnt really matter but since it does, I dont think this will b a good look for him even tho it probli wont hurt him any more or less cuz I doubt he'll make much noise when he finally does drop a new album
Shyne Stands By His New Look, "Lady Gaga Wears Outfits Stitched Together With Meat"
New York rapper Shyne has asserted his decision to change his lifestyle and completely devote himself to Judaism.
Personally I think "Best I ever had" is a timeless song that the radio just played out from playing it so much
As far as Lil' Wayne, the only songs I think he has that are somewhat timeless as far as singles r "Hustler Muzik" and "Tie My Hands"
"Over" by Drake is a nice song IMO. I wouldnt call it timeless yet tho
Drake On Staying Relevant In Rap, "Between Myself & Lil Wayne, We Make Timeless Music" [Video]
Young Money's Drake recently talked about remaining relevant in hip-hop and why his music is able to stand the test of time.
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Apr 21, 2010
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Apr 21, 2010
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