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Wyatt Harry
New York, NY
Amateur photog and graphic designer.
Recent Activity
Canon digital cameras sport a disc storing free software, including EOS Utility, Digital Photo Professional, Picture Style Editor, and Zoombrowser EX. You can do all kinds of tasks with these programs - import images onto your machine, file your pics, edit your pictures. If you can't find your CD, you... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2012 at Wyatt Harry's blog
So you're in the market for a digital SLR. You're comparing a Canon t1i, a Canon t2i, or a Canon t3i. Which ones is right? One measurable specification you could think about is the camera's number of pixels. Which of these options has the largest camera resolution? The Canon t2i... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2012 at Wyatt Harry's blog
You really need to practice how to use off-camera flash if you're going to be doing a decent amount of people photography. Using a couple of lights, some light modifiers, and planning the light in your picture will allow you to create much better photos than simply using available light.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2012 at Wyatt Harry's blog
Wyatt Harry is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 28, 2012