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HAHA You can tell how out of the loop I am. They're off air for 3 weeks!?
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2010 on Vbored at nimby's blog
Yes! I usually can't tell whether theyre singing live, though there are some perfs where I could tell that they were lipsyncing. That's why I'm very glad for Jun coz if he sings out of tune, it's definitely LIVE! LOL.
Lol, so you bought tickets from the Harajuku ticket shop? You know, I've looked past thoughts like "next time" and "wait till I'm richer"...If I can afford it, I will go for it, even though it's a rip-off. of my fav artiste passed away recently. So, I'm really happy that I went to watch his concert despite it being quite inconvenient back then. It's like....the one and only time. I'm glad I didn't skip it.
Haha exactly! That was the first thought that came to mind when I watched it. They sounded VERY live. Maybe it IS live!!! What do you think?
I think you nailed it. Ohno's dances often incorporate a series of fast, small yet sharp movements. I enjoy watching his perf over and over again, because everytime I watch them, I discover a new subtle movement. Btw, what 3104 are you talking about? Gosh if he ever holds a solo con again..................And the song is nice! What's the title, and by which group?
Toggle Commented Oct 2, 2010 on ohno dance : D at ☆遠い~☆
Agreed! I think Nino is an outstanding actor, not just within JE. he can emote. And yes, thanks for Iwo Jima, because that will make people have a second thought before they label him as an idol actor (meaning all looks, no skills). Anyway, sex scenes on the big screen? Yeah, if they want to limit their audience size. I'm sure a large portion of the manga's fans are under 21.
I KNOW! I was quite pissed off when I got spoilt by the very first post on my lj page about the *** scene in Ohku. Like, WTH. And then from then, I skipped all posts with any hint of Nino in them. DARN.
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2010 on ohoku teaser at nurikocam's blog
karened is now following Account Deleted
Sep 16, 2010
Thanks for sharing. They look really good!
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on 11 years! NIPPON NO ARASHI! at Eli's blog
karened added a favorite at Eli's blog
Sep 15, 2010
Oh, meaning I can't just use 1 link for the entire f-list? I need to add each friend's blog one by one to feedreader?! @.@ *cries*
karened is now following doki-doki
Sep 13, 2010
karened is now following waku_waku
Sep 12, 2010
karened is now following Mel-chan
Sep 12, 2010
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Sep 12, 2010
karened is now following 雪:)
Sep 12, 2010
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Sep 11, 2010
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Sep 10, 2010
karened is now following RIN
Sep 10, 2010
karened is now following TenjoStyle
Sep 10, 2010
karened is now following Jani665
Sep 9, 2010
karened is now following nlisten
Sep 9, 2010