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I'm a Perl and JavaScript software engineer
Interests: perl, javascript
Recent Activity
I enjoyed the movie, and your post just as much.
The Prestige of Modern Society
The Prestige is an incredible film, brilliantly shot, expertly performed and well-written, through and through. At its core, though, The Prestige is something far more interesting than mere movie or morality play, it's an incredible discussion of the roles of technology and magic in our society. ...
That's awesome! Too bad I just sold my PSP :(
PSP and Location Free TV
Link: 清水理史の「イニシャルB」. 外出先からPSPやPCで自宅のテレビが見られる画期的な製品ソニーの新型ロケーションフリー「LF-PK1」 SONY has released the firmware upgrade for their Location Free TV STB so it can be connected via PSP. This is really amazing, because with this you can connect to your TiVo or CATV STB anywhere remotely, using PSP Wi-Fi ...
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