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Yakhan651 added a favorite at Yakhan651's blog
Dec 16, 2009
im a fan of boots, by da way u luk nyc in ur pics!!!!
1 reply
Yakhan651 is now following Powder Room Attendant
Dec 16, 2009
Yakhan651 is now following Kim Bach Le
Dec 16, 2009
Memo To: ALL STAFF From: Yassir Khan CC: Georg Coakley Date: 09/11/2009 Re: customer service <strong></strong> <strong>What is customer service?</strong> Customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won’t be profitable for long. Customer service is to-do with answering your phone. Making sure someone is there to pick the phone up when it rings, listen to your customers and making sure you’re capable to deal with their complaints. <strong>What... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Yakhan651's blog
Informal Feedback- Managing employee performance is not necessarily restricted to formal appraisal interviews. When you go into a restuarnt, then finish a meal and a waiter comes and asks you if everything was fine, this is then a cheap, easy and informal way of getting customer feedback.another way of a formal feedback is watching customers as they enter and leave and chatting to them. Customers Survey/Questionnaires/Comment Cards- A carefully planned and well-written customer comment card allows the customer to express their opinion and provide valuable feedback, therefore many restaurants prefer to put a comment card on your table and ask... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Yakhan651's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Yakhan651's blog
Yakhan651 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 11, 2009