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I'm a knitter with 2 kids.
Interests: knitting, felting, crocheting, general fiber aquisition and consumption, nature, outdoors, web geekery, social media, gardening, chicken ranching
Recent Activity
Julia is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
He's a real cutie - great photo! I love to dream about the shacks I pass also, rarely do I find one that is beyond redeption. It's a gift to be able to see the possibilities, not all do. That's makes for a good photographic eye as well. It's very exciting this new turn your life is taking. I have been trying to screw up the courage to start blogging again, and your admissions about how your posts are built in installments have given me a glimmer of fresh optimism. Happy Anniversary!
Toggle Commented Jan 21, 2010 on Moving on, while looking back... at knitorious
1 reply
Wow, you have a new look and I love it! I've been away too long.
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2009 on Stuff that's old is new again at knitorious
1 reply