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Is there a person in your life who always has a hug and makes you feel better when they're around? Who is it – and what do you love about them?
Variety of products: We are going to sell a variety of cakes. This is because our customers will have a range of cakes to choose from. We are going to have many flavours e.g. chocolate, cream, strawberry etc.
Appearance: Our appearance of the cakes is going attractive because this will attract people. We will decorate the plate with cakes so people get attracted to buy the cakes.
Quality: We are going to sell good quality cakes because if someone buys one and it tastes nice and is good quality this will makes them buy more cakes.
Brand: Our group is going to sell a variety of good branded cakes. We are going to sell cakes made by different companies so people can have a choice.
Service/support: We are going to have people from our group providing support for people who aren't sure what cakes to buy.
List price: The price of the cakes is different because this all depends on the size of the cakes. The small cup cakes are going to be 35P each.
Discounts: There are discounts on the cakes e.g. if you but a lot of cakes we can negotiate the price and give them a discount.
Special/offers: The cakes are 35p each but we can sell 4 for a £1 so this will make people buy more cakes.
Financing: We will be financed by our business teacher and then we will have to pay back all the money we borrowed.
Types of customers: We are going to have students and teachers come to our stall. This is because our stall is going to be set up in school.
Locations: We are going to sell cakes outside the internet café.
Access to place: Access to place is really easy because it is jus outside the lunch hall and the internet café. This will mean when people come out of the lunch hall or café they will see our stall right in front of them.
Service levels: Our service levels will be high and we will provide the best service we can.
Advertising: We are going to advertise our cake sale by putting posters up, handing out leaflets and giving questionnaires.
Personal selling: I am going to get involved by selling cakes and collecting money and counting money made by selling the cakes.
Media: Our cake sale isn't going to be a huge sale so we do not need any media for it.
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Posted Jan 25, 2011 at Yasir's blog
Is there a person in your life who always has a hug and makes you feel better when they're around? Who is it – and what do you love about them?
Pricing decisions should take into account profit margins and the probable pricing response of competitors. Pricing includes not only the list price, but also discounts, financing and other options such as leasing.
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Posted Jan 25, 2011 at Yasir's blog
Customer questionnaires/comment cards For example...
Customer questionnaires/comment cards For example if you go to a restraunt and you just tell the waiter your opinion they might not pass it on to the manager or chef so thats why its good to have Customer questionnaires/comment cards. Many other businesses have Customer questionnaires/comment cards such as airlines because you have to give them feedback about how your journey was. Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at Yasir's blog
Yasir is now following Soldier Girl
Feb 9, 2010
sales renewal rates (People going back to TESCO'S...
sales renewal rates (People going back to TESCO'S because they got good rates for products) sometimes there prices are put up so people go to a cheaper shop but most of the time they compare there prices so they have more customers coming in. NO of queries and complaints about your products and services (the more complaints you have the poor business your store has). I bought a TV from Comet and after the guarantee finished 1 week later the TV got messed up. NO of complaints about your employees (co-operative have lots of complaints about there employees thats why... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Yasir's blog
really sad to hear your story bt nt intrested
Britney Spears Rushed To Hospital
According to gossip blogger x17 Britney Spears has been rushed to the hospital. She was said to have arrived with a police excort. she entered the UCLA Medical center's Mattel Children's Hospital. I don't know if it is Britney or her children, but I hope they are okay. I will keep you update...
hi im really sad tohear this story bt not intrested
Britney Spears Rushed To Hospital
According to gossip blogger x17 Britney Spears has been rushed to the hospital. She was said to have arrived with a police excort. she entered the UCLA Medical center's Mattel Children's Hospital. I don't know if it is Britney or her children, but I hope they are okay. I will keep you update...
the reason you have to listen to the customer is...
the reason you have to listen to the customer is because to find out what the customer requires and without listening to the customer you cannot help him/her Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Yasir's blog
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Feb 8, 2010
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Feb 8, 2010
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