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dora (yayita)
Recent Activity
Love to cook! I want to take cooking classes. Hopefully soon... I am sleepy and it's pouring rain. Time for bed! -------------------- Amo cocinar! Quiero tomar clases de cocina. Me estoy durmiendo y está lloviendo a cantaros. Hora de ir a la cama! Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Hope to stand steady and firm with the equanimity of a mountain Hope to reach out and caress the sun just like a tree Hope to flow through sand and rocks, fall down the heights of the path with the gracefulness of a river Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Ma que barbara, esta increible!!!! me pusiste la imaginacion a volar y volar!! llena de colores y formas!!! no dejes de escribir te amo!
We had a gorgeous day yesterday, finally the sun came out, the warmth touched my skin and brought a smile to my face. I was painting all day outside. And created a 3D portrait that is still on the works. The elephant of creativity. I welcome you into my life, I vow to practice nurturing and understanding you. I will let the brush flow and colors blend, for the sake of you and me. --------------- Español ---------------- Tuvimos un hermoso día de ayer, por fin salió el sol, el calor me tocó la piel y dibujó una sonrisa en mi... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Elephants in the room
It’s been 3 years since you departed but today I do not want to cry. For some reason, I do not know why, I have been avoiding to be real, to be honest in this blog. Perhaps because honesty now does not mean what it meant three years ago. A dictionary may carry definitions, but words for me change just like the sound of songs change depending on when I listen to them. I have seen and heard people admit things much more painful and tearing and acknowledge the good it has brought to their life, but I refuse the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Meet Ambar, she is my second painting done in a symbol. I don't know if this is the final version of it, I might still add some details to it. If I do, I will definitely upload it again to the blog. But I was just to excited to show you Ambar. My first piece of art in a long time that is done with complete freedom and flow. Hope you enjoy it. It was a hard piece to scan but I'll make sure to take a pic of it once I hang it. --------------- Español ---------------- Conozcan a Ambar,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2010 at Elephants in the room
The snow storms hit hard here in Jersey and we had no electricity. Thankfully I was going to New York the next day. I went to NYC with Meg and we had a girls night out! We saw Mamma Mia!! My first musical in Broadway. We had a delicious dinner, dessert was the best part of course. The next day we walked around the city, it was freezing. Accidentally we made our way into Central Park. Where the trees kept us warm or should I say warm enough. The best part for me was the swings, we thought they were... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2010 at Elephants in the room
After 14 days of not posting, I am finally back. My 365 Challenge did not make it past the 17th day. First I had a hard time accepting the defeat then I realized it was not a defeat, it was an opportunity to learn. I've been creating almost everyday just not under the rules of the challenge. I decided I need to start taking on shorter and freer challenges, maybe ones that last a month or so. And even more important create, learn and practice each day. So keep on checking the blog because things are about to get more... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2010 at Elephants in the room
I've been thinking about this project, maybe too much. I know I want to continue with the project, but I can't decide whether I want to have a fixed theme for the creation of the day or not. I don't know if this is helping me. I haven't managed to make the decision so here goes the face! -------------- Español ------------- He estado pensando mucho en este proyecto, tal vez demasiado. Se que quiero seguir con el proyecto, pero no logro decidir si quiero tener un tema fijo para la creación del día o no. No sé si eso me... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at Elephants in the room
"Details of the south wall, Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room, 1876-77, by James McNeill Whistler ( American, 1834-1903). Oil paint metal leaf on leather, canvas, and wood, 425.8 x 698.3 Gift of Charles Lang Freer, f04.61. Freer Gallery of Art, Amithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. My favourite wall in "The Peacock room"! Mi pared favorita en "The Peacock room"! Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at Elephants in the room
They could be a wooden box design, don't you think? Podrían ser el diseño para una caja de madera, no creen? Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Third week and very excited about all the changes. In this moment I'm working on a new design for my blog and website. They will be ready this week. I also start a new week full with inspiration. The reason why I didn't post yesterday, it's because I went to Washington D.C for the day and I filled myself with inspiration in the museums. I saw so many spectacular things, but the arts that caught my eye the most were the Chines, Japanese, Islamic and of course Buddhist art, I love Buddhist art. I also got to know my favorite... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at Elephants in the room
encontraste tu foto del corazón que alegría!!! es increíble!! sos una aventurera! seguí así!
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2010 on No title at mamalibelula's blog
GRACIAS!!!! en serio gracias! que bueno que lo esta viendo!! que se vengan las criticas buenas y malas, todas me sirven!! un abrazo
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2010 on My Blog! at Elephants in the room
a juanchis??? jajajjaja jodas!!! bueno tal vez... sin comentarios !
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2010 on 9 / 365 Cara at Elephants in the room
And tomorrow a new week starts with interesting news about the project! --------------- Español --------------- Y mañana comienza una nueva semana con noticias interesantes acerca del proyecto! Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Since I've been missing my dogs so much, today I dedicate this cartoon to them. --------------- Español --------------- Ya que he estado extrañando tanto a mis perritos, hoy les dedico esta caricatura. Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at Elephants in the room
dora (yayita) is now following mamalibelula
Jan 29, 2010
Waiting keeps me from sleeping. Take me with you, I would like to know where you live, what you walk on, what you breath, do you still breath? Take me with you for I have not seen you in such a long time, have not felt you. I promise to come back even if I fall in love with your new home but take me with you today... --------------- Español --------------- La espera me quita el sueño. Llévame contigo, quisiera saber donde vives, sobre que caminas, que respiras, aún respiras? Llévame contigo que hace tanto no te veo, no te... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2010 at Elephants in the room
I feel earthy colors today! -------------- Español --------------- Siento los colores tierra hoy! Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Ayer tenía que publicar algo de flora, no una cara, pero se me cruzaron los cables. Ya escribí una lista y la tengo en mi escritorio, así no dependo de mi cabeza que a veces se vuelve loca. Y hoy voy a publicar la flora. Yesterday I had to publish a flower of some sorts, not a face, but I got mixed up in my head. I wrote a list and I have it in my desk, so I don't depend on my head that turns crazy sometimes. And today I'll publish the flower. Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Loving the second face, spend my morning at the jersey shore working on this face and had so much fun doing it. Opinions anyone please? Me encanta esta segunda cara pasé mi mañana en la costa de jersey trabajando en esta cara y me divertí tanto haciendolo. Opiniones alguien porfa? Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Elephants in the room
Second week and all I can do is smile, this should be fun and free, a challenge but still a joy. The creation of my second color wheel has been exactly that. It's far away from perfection. It's so much better. It's expression. Sometimes I feel the good seeds in my head get stuck and have a hard time becoming seedlings, stuck underground, under emotions, issues and heavy soil. But today I watered the crazy soil my mind is and I can see the beauty of a new seedling growing in me, fearlessly breaking up the ground and looking for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at Elephants in the room