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unbelievable even memri, shame on YouTube.
could be, but I found it bizarre. Hamas and Hezbollah fighting each other in Syria, despite both sponsored by Iran. Gaza ruled by Hamas and the other element that exist beside it, is the Islamic jihad. I wonder how Hezbollah fraction came to be and survived in Gaza...
she made a mistake not to check the entire site as Google does not filter. she posted from one result, it happened to me too, where stories happens to be posted also in non reputable sites. unless you bother to check out the entire site you unaware of the nature of it. sometimes it does not rings to you cause you care about the story. you bothered, good for you. she does not need to apologize, the story is factual, hence posted. the antisemitic sites borrows stories from reputable sites. its not theirs! to discredit the story just cause it shared by Holocaust Denial Site, lead us to commit a logical fallacy "Reductio ad Hitlerum". should jweekly be discredit as it shares with Holocaust Denial Site the story? to exploit it, to attack Pamela Geller (a character assassination) to prescribe her antisemitic, its a cheap shot, so you can feel good about whitewashing Islamic threat. its quite disturbing.
'Hezbollah' dancing in the streets of Gaza? must be a typo ...
"islamophobia" as a form of "religious extremism" ??? the US Army devoid of reason apparently.
Annie although a jew, I have to vote for Sonja. she's a real person and construct her argument reasonably. Hashim ??? you mean Hashem ("the name" refers to god)is this entity real? extraordinary claim, requires extraordinary evidence. what sort of response is that "What Jews do is none of your business"? muslims conduct a female genital mutilation, why should be anyone business? Sonja raised a valid concern. nothing anti semitic about that. stop throwing antisemitic card every time you feel unable to response properly. it loses its value by doing that. address the topic, not the person. its called "ad hominem", its a fallacy. its in order to be concern about any infant mistreatment. whether in relation to pedophilia and so on. we aspire to have a healthy society. children exploited for religious purposes, its not healthy. all you have to do, to win the argument, is to prove god is real. otherwise you no different than muslims. they just more violent and crazier.
"israel is a disease, we are the cure" another muslim copycatting and distortion, a reference to a movie from 80's cobra stars 'Sylvester Stallone', who happens to be of italian, french & russian "jew" origin.
truth hurts their eyes
he calls Pamela Geller a "settler". is he insinuates he is indigenous of US like the american indians? is he claiming the white men stole the land (america) from him? america another palestine? my impression, he does with "oppressed by white people" line.
this a sign of fear. apparently Pamela Geller made a hugh impact on public opinion. and its not in favor of Obama. how else to confront Pamela Geller? a debate? which may address issues, they don't want to answer for. they could not even answer what is the capital of israel. and probably be embarrassed to the point, they will lose the support they do have. so what left for them? the 'appeal to mockery' and 'ad hominem tu quoque', via media help.
Toggle Commented Aug 8, 2012 on Fake Pammie G! at Atlas Shrugs
if indeed Obama's administration responsible for this leak. probably Obama fears american jewish voters, are not assured for him this time. appealing to American antisemitic/anti israel/islamophile voters, might boost the chance to win the second term. yet he signed to enhance US-Israeli security cooperation (just in case?).
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