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Yna D.
Recent Activity
Thank you a lot for taking the time to respond to my comment! The solution reveals indeed to be simplistic and that's why : the original settings are just unnecessarily confusing... :-)
Fatal Problem with Revit Global Parameters - 3
With comments from dear Yna D. again, it's verified that the behavior was caused by the length unit is millimeter but area square meters and volume cubic meters. Changing the length unit to meter or making the Length value bigger such as 5000 mm would make the behavior return to normal. We did ...
Hi, apparently due Typepad system disruptions, I could not sign in to reply earlier. In Revit 2018, changing the format for the Length units from millimeters to meters seems to solve the issue.
Fatal Problem with Revit Global Parameters - 2
In the previous post, we reported a fatal error about Revit global parameters. Reader Yna D. confirmed it and hinted that some Revit builds might behave different and adding prefix/suffix to the parameter names might also work, so we did some more testing in Revit 2019, on which platform we are...
Yna D. is now following Spiderinnet
Oct 20, 2018
Edit: actually, it seems to work fine in Revit 2017.2, prefix or not...
(sorry for the possibly irrelevant posts)
Fatal Problem with Revit Global Parameters
A fatal problem with Revit Global Parameter was found when we tested the improved builds of Revit Parameter Organizer 2019. In fact, the problem has been there with early versions of Revit as well, as we remember. It looks that Revit Global Parameter allows formulas, but not really. It allow...
Hi, it works on my side adding a prefix to the parameter's names.
Fatal Problem with Revit Global Parameters
A fatal problem with Revit Global Parameter was found when we tested the improved builds of Revit Parameter Organizer 2019. In fact, the problem has been there with early versions of Revit as well, as we remember. It looks that Revit Global Parameter allows formulas, but not really. It allow...
Yna D. is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 20, 2018
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