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Having played so little the past year (averaging two to three times per month), I recognize the importance of easing back into exercise routines. Moving (finally!) to outdoor tennis after a much too long winter, I just hit around for an hour instead of opting for a match. I'll set... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2015 at Yoga and Tennis
About a year ago, I came up with an elaborate multi-step process in an attempt to fix my serve. Now I am trying the opposite approach: simplify! (1) Hold a steady grip (2) Toss (3) "See the ball, point of contact" (4) Swing up and out That's it! Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2012 at Yoga and Tennis
In a revealing passage of OPEN, Andre Agassi writes that the challenge of tennis is to play in a middle-range where you are putting enough pressure on your opponent to make it difficult, but not trying to apply such pressure that you are committing errors. It is far easier to... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2012 at Yoga and Tennis
I know I am not alone in having problems with my serve above the other tennis strokes. It has been a baffling experience to have more trouble with this shot, which should be the most 'controlled.' I've started trying to consider the serve a yoga pose and see if this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
I've taken a couple formal lessons recently, not in yoga (which I've only practiced for about a year) but tennis (which I've played for 20+ years). The experience has been humbling, and great. Through yoga, I've learned how to pay more attention to my body at rest and in certain... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
In the last of three(!) articles in Tennis Magazine emphasizing the mental aspect of tennis over form, Nick Bollettieri emphasizes the following principles: 1. Be steady. [consistency is key. don't put too much pressure on yourself to improve your weaker strokes. just focus on playing the game that you do... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
Tennis Magazine, Jan/Feb 2011, p. 4. 1. admit you have a problem: "you have to take your ego out of it, and simply face that you are a nervous wreck." 2. "you have to recognize what those nerves are doing to your body (passive serving? poor strokes? lead feet?) "Only... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
Most yoga courses feature some discussion of mindfulness, meditation, or buddhist teachings. A typical blessing at the end of a course is "May all being have happiness..." During class, teachers often encourage students, don't push yourself too hard, honor where your body is today, stay at your limit, let go... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
When I picked up yoga, I expected to be struck by its many differences from tennis, my sport of many years. I did find, of course, that yoga had many unique points. I'm stating the obvious when I point to differences such as the fact that yoga is not as... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
yogadude is now following C Note
Feb 1, 2011
yogadude is now following Shanna Small
Feb 1, 2011
yogadude is now following adrienne fawcett
Feb 1, 2011
By Adrienne Fawcett via Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 1, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
"Tennis is the sport in which you talk to yourself. No athletes talk to themselves like tennis players. Pitchers, golfers, goalkeepers, they mutter to themselves, of course, but tennis players talk to themselves — and answer. In the heat of a match, tennis players look like lunatics in a public... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
As a long-time tennis player and, more recently, yoga devotee, I am interested in exploring the connections between these two exercises. Andy Murray strikes a pose similar to Warrior III at this year's Australian Open. Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2011 at Yoga and Tennis
yogadude is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 1, 2011