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Herb Morreale
Interests: running, fishing, technology, camping, wine., sports fan (da bears!), private pilot, music (i play keyboard and harmonica)
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Mar 15, 2010
Yes, I truly believe fear and self-doubt are what hold people back more than anything when it comes to trying to make a big impact. I would encourage anyone who is thinking "some day I should" to ask themselves "what am I afraid of, and is that worth the delay in me not doing xyz to make the world a better place."
Wisdom Entrepreneurs in the Field
"How do I get started?" Many people have told me how much they like the ideas presented with A Bigger Voice. My theory is that once individuals achieve a level of competence in their careers, gotten that promotion, created a reputation and earned a decent salary, they look for meaning. So it's ...
I think you should expand on the thought about the voice at the core vs. the tool. There's so much hype out there about this story (Iran and Twitter) that taking an unique and thought provoking angle is important. We can say the voice needed first, and then the tool helps expand it. But with social media, sometimes the "voice" seems pretty dull and yet it takes off. The play between the core message and the medium requires more thought from people like you... Let me say it another way, if you (Carol) have a voice on the topic the more compelling unique it is the better. Hope this feedback helps.
Iran and Social Media
The power of technology to create a groundswell was shown in Iran this last week. People all over the world are seeing and hearing and reading what's going on with the protests over the recent elections and the response by the theocratic government. One voice can start a community. Communiti...
I think you should build on this more. How do committment and passion differ? I believe that "success" (achieving the goal) is mostly about hard work, especially when the chips are down. And, it definitely hard to get people behind something (lead them) if you're not passionate. So, is it really about longevity? If you work at something long enough you'll succeed? Obviously its more than that, but I want to hear you talk about that.
Why Commitment Trumps Passion
One of my big lessons this last year was this: Passion is not enough to change the world. That might sound strange, coming from a coach, whose job is to help people find their passion. I've met plenty of passionate people, individuals who found the thing that makes them jump out of bed in the mo...
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