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New age, funky aussie girl
Interests: I love nature, vintage finds, music, the arts, movies, good food, cakes, lace, sunshine, laughter and friendship.
Recent Activity
I have moved over to wordpress (better editing software & options). Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2010 at Al's adventureland
Oh emily, I love your fashion! The way you put your outfits together is too cute -just like your artwork! :)
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2010 on Ruby Red & Robin's Egg at Some Girls Wander
wow! that looks really cool. I'd love to see the whole thing :)
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2010 on Sneak Peek at STACY STRANZL. fine artist.
..and I love my town. I have been lucky enough to live and work near the city (Melbourne) during the week and then come and stay with mum down the coast on the weekend for a while now and I love it!! With my departure coming quickly I have been appreciating the best of both worlds, and would like to share some of my fave photos of the areas. * Sunset at Dromana in summer. I remember salty sand, cold water and yummy icecreams. Growing up near the beach was a wonderful thing, and weekly family fish and chips every... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2010 at Al's adventureland
You know when you find a piece of clothing that makes you feel amazing - you put it on and instantly you feel different. Prettier. More feminine. Funkier. Happier. Last week I was lucky enough to find one of these. I picked up a vintage 50's dress from a sample sale at work (one of the benefits of working in fashion) for $5. I tried it on and it fit me perfectly, giving me the illusion of 50's curves. It is flowy, the skirt part is pleated and it makes me feel like I am a woman. Gotta love that.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2010 at Al's adventureland
Alesha is now following Charlottegrace
Feb 23, 2010
Alesha is now following JustBean
Feb 23, 2010
Alesha is now following STACY STRANZL. fine artist.
Feb 23, 2010
Alesha is now following A Simple Nest
Feb 23, 2010
Now, if you are my age you might be picturing a certain Spice girls song - but this post isn’t really about them. No, not at all actually. Last Saturday was my brothers wedding! And what a magical day it turned out to be. The weather was perfect, everyone looked lovely, the food was great and the entertainment - well let me talk about that later! Sorry about the washed out photo, I thought it was better than none and it has a kind of romantic old world feel to it I thought (paired with the fact I dont think... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2010 at Al's adventureland
Alesha is now following Natasha Newton
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following Mandi
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following theblackapple
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following "miss" james
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following A Beautiful Mess
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following Yellowgoat
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following Michelle Clement
Feb 5, 2010
Alesha is now following Sarah
Feb 5, 2010
I mentioned to a friend recently that you know you're getting older when you start saying thankyou when people say you look a lot younger than you really are. When I was in my early twenties and people said I looked 16 it made me grimace. The other week someone said she thought I was 18 and I said thankyou. I guess now I'm fast approaching 27 that time has arrived for me. Today is my last day of being 26 and tomorrow begins a new chapter. The 27th chapter (or is it technically 28th?) in the book of my... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2010 at Al's adventureland
Alesha is now following Bobbin Talk
Jan 25, 2010
Alesha is now following AVATAR
Jan 25, 2010
Alesha is now following Account Deleted
Jan 25, 2010
Alesha is now following Wil
Jan 25, 2010
Ever have one of those moments where you think "this isnt just a coincedence, this was meant to happen!" ?? Well I did, on Saturday. I was at a Masquerade party (which was cool in itself) and I met a couple who had lived in Vancouver for 3 months a year or so ago. They were so enthusiastic about the country and my trip and it just gave me a buzz. They gave me great insight into an Aussie's side of things and I learnt some valuable info. I am now at the single digit stage, just about 9 weeks... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at Al's adventureland
It's now almost 2 weeks into the new year which is exciting in itself but even more so as it is the year of my big adventure!! The countdown is now at a little over 11 weeks til departure. Now that the moment is finally well on its way after many long years of wanting to take this step, I am feeling quite calm. I think that by the time I fly off I'll be as prepared as possible, and yet still open for adventure! I was reading a journal I had kept from about 7 years ago and in... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Al's adventureland