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I remember that shirt, some of my mates had it, did not realise it was so far back, time flies. Do you remember the Super Famicon t.shirt? about 6, 7 years ago. On the front if I remember correctly was the words ´´Ultimate 16-Bit Machine´´ on the back was a more detailed diagram of the console and its accessories, with the buttons and connectors, don´t have picture of the one I had, and cannot find it, probably been binned by the wife.
Nintendo Says "See It. Touch It. Play It."
In the old days of E3 in the mid-2000s, video game publishers were more generous with their promotional handouts than they have been in recent years. It wasn't uncommon to find people lugging sacks of collected goodies around with them as they trudged between North and West Halls at the Los An...
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May 18, 2017
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