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Mary Ellen Nichols
I'm a homesteader and teacher with two grown children and two grandchildren that make my world go around..
Interests: Dollmaking, knitting, spinning, weaving, chicken-raising, bee-keeping, gardening
Recent Activity
The willow embroidery is lovely.
willow branch
A beautiful winters' day here today. Feels more like spring, really. I made some things from vintage linen for my shop update today. The willow branch linen was a gift from Louana, thank you! I wrote a little about knitting yesterday. I've decided to knit this, and have ordered the quinc...
Nice little items like this used to be the kind of thing girls got at bridal showers. I acquired an album made by a young bride-to-be. I was fascinated by the gift list she had jotted down in order to write thank you notes. She received lovely household goods like a bathmat, embroidered fingertip towels and the like. Wow, have things changed! A bridal shower sure is different these days!
Just Hanging Around
I knew a lot of you would love that apron/smock (I shared here) just as much as I do, but what surprised me was all the excitement over the hanger! I've had these for ages; found them in a thrift shop in my little town. They're probably from the 50's or thereabouts. There was most li...
I think serviceberry trees are fascinating. They got the name because when they flower in the spring, the undertakers knew the ground had thawed deeply enough to bury (and have services) for the poor souls who had died over the course of winter.
I'd show a picture of the pie, but it's gone
Did you know you can eat serviceberries? Also known as june berries or saskatoon berries. Well, you can! And that I have a serviceberry tree in my front yard? AND that saskatoon rhubarb pie is amazingly delicious?! It's my new favorite berry. We're eating off the land out here in the suburbs...
If you google "Han Christian Andersen papercutting" you will see what wonderful works he did.
This is a little paper-cut I made while I was procrastinating over other work I should have been doing. I've long admired the beautiful scherenschnitte works of Amy Karol and Elsita Mora and couldn't resist trying it myself. I don't think I have the finecutting skills or patience to make ...
Mary Ellen Nichols is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Happy Birthday from Niagara Falls, Marta!
Happy 14 dear Marta
Last night we celebrated Øystein's 26th birthday, with dinner, cakes and yet another Norwegian Gold Medal in Vancouver. Today is Marta's day, her 14th birthday. "Don't forget my birthday tradition" she reminded me yesterday. "Skoleboller and hot chocolate for breakfast. You know I've had th...
You might use the molds to make little cakes of beeswax to give as gifts. Love your blog!
Scenes from our day
Not many words again, I have oh so much work to get done! Just a few images from our busy and fun day! Peaceful and mellow play was definitely encouraged today...... despite the mess! The mudding of the walls and ceiling is complete! Three cheers for that!!! My neck hurts! After paint...
When I ask my little students where wool comes from, they almost always initially reply "From a wolf!" Makes sense on a phonological level.
excuse us. that cacophony of hacking coughs you hear? that's us. I can't believe I don't have more crafting to show for a weekend of not leaving the couch. being sick with kids, not so much the same as being sick on your own. almost six years in, you think I'd be used to that by now. tomorrow ...
Hint for the tub: Mr. Clean magic erasers. A certain amount of elbow grease is rewarded by an incredibly clean tub. Love your blossoms.
my puffs are up!
Aren't they so pretty? I love them so. They keep my spirits up. And I'm hoping they'll attract fairies. Tiny little helper fairies. Maybe writing fairies who have succinct explanations at the tips of their little tongues for attching stuffed limbs with a blind stitch. Or maybe cleaning fairies...
I would love to exchange handwritten letters with you.
Yesterday I travelled the World, or - Do you want a handwritten letter?
She had asked her mother to keep her letters and was confident that the fat pile bearing exotic stamps was waiting in her mother's desk. (Passionate Nomad. The Life of Freya Stark) I travelled the world yesterday, my ticket was a feltpen and handmade paper, some cards, stamps and imaginations...
Looks delicious!
Outside my kitchen window, and a recipe from Øystein
I have spent alot of time in the kitchen this week-end. Cooking for the birthday parties, cooking for myself, Terje and the girls. Doing dishes, baking........and looking out the kitchen window. ----------------------------------- We had alot of leftovers from the birthday dinner's taco. be...
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