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you know he wrote alot of lil waynes stuff right. he also wrote for alici keys "unthinkable" and other artists
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9 am in dallas is a bonus track for itunes not on any mixtape or album but ok listen to fear,miss me,succesfull, how can you say theres no thought on lyricistic(made up word) in of his songs, i find alot of character from his songs and he always has good lyrics name me one song that you wouldnt pick over a soulja boy,bowwow, or any other average rapper out their in their whole itinerary of songs??? plus his mixtapes have produced better lyrics and flow then the original song the beats have come from and he is known for that. listen im not saying he is the best im justsaying this guy has major talent and could smeday become one of THE best
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haha damn. it looks like a win for freeway ricky ross on this one but all details have yet to be released so there might be a loophole for roberts the 2nd(rick ross)
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damn you Eddie Murphy, if it wasn't for you, today's bedtime theme wouldn't be "COMING TO AMERICAAAA"!!!! .........And when she starts moaning, how am i to know its because of me, or if shes still in character lmfao---*CAPTION DISS
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SHIT im trippin this album coming out tomorrow but still weak sells for a highly estimated sell rate for drake doesn't look like a good outcome for Eminem, maybe what T-pain said got some teeth too it????
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im listening to the king album right now! but T.I will get major sells he still big in the industry MAJOR!
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YEA it probably will if they dont make the dumb decision of releasing it weeks before hand as a leak otherwise haha BOOTLEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps:i hope they do too
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anyone whos says drake issnt an il lyricist needs to listen too "9 am in dallas" straight banger all the way through and "killa" ft nippsy hustle cause otherwise yall just trippin. anyways wtf RiRi damn just trying to save face after messin with drake, but i stil Love yah, partly cause youR BODY IS BANGIN!
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Jun 21, 2010
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Jun 21, 2010