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Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2014 on Broomfield Ride Club Starts 3rd Year at CogSnob
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Love these bibs and can't recommend them more as fantastic alternatives to long BIbs when the weather is between 50 and 65 F.
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2011 on Reviewed: Rapha 3/4 Bib Shorts at CogSnob
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Tom: Thanks for the comment, You can follow all the ride announcements at If you register on the site, you will receive our weekly Thursday ride updates. Thanks! -Jarrod
Toggle Commented Jun 30, 2011 on Broomfield Ride Club Starts 3rd Year at CogSnob
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My advice (and should have been noted in the review) is that you make sure to add an element of clothing---ideally your tights to cover the opening of the boot. Like anything, once moisture enters the boot from the top, you are hosed. I still stand by the fact that these boots shine in wet weather.
Toggle Commented Dec 21, 2010 on Reviewed: Lake CX140 Boots at CogSnob
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great, does this apply for men as well?
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2010 on "I Wear My Shoes Naked" bumper sticker at Shoeflair
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PJ: Dude, I feel like such an idiot that i didn't see that before! Thanks for the tip.
Toggle Commented Dec 23, 2009 on Reviewed: Lake CX140 Boots at CogSnob
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Dec 13, 2009
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Dec 5, 2009
allroad: It was a bit tricky, but I managed to separate the clear rubber nozzle from the black "on/off" selector piece. I then was able t take out the little blue rubber flow regulator and clean it as well. All was done with as much care as I could muster. Just make sure to study how it goes together so you can easily put it back on the bottle correctly. Hope this helps! snob
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2009 on Reviewed: CamelBak Podium Bottle at CogSnob
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Great stuff! I love the "history of the yellow jersey" post. Our readers will appreciate the links. JK JARROD Krug CogSnob : : Cycling Reviews, Rides, & Reality. [email protected]
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