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hahahha! nakai-kun had been calculating this strategy since he was 16? too funny!!! XD thank you for sharing!
thanks so much for always being so quick on posting everything! it's so nice to be able to sit down after a long day of work and be able to crack up watching the boys! :D hahaha, ohno-kun looked so tiny next to yamada yuu! and his face after he finally got his urinokori fuda! too cute!!! milky odeko or not, so cute! :D
thank you for posting!!! ohno-kun~~~ too cute!!!
Wow, superfast as usual!! Thanks for uploading!
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2010 on 20100911 Arashi ni Shiyagare~ at ~*~黄色い涙~*~
kawaii! nino's reaction at being chosen was too cute!! うp ありがとうございます!
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Sep 6, 2010