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Yvonne Richards
Recent Activity
I am so glad that Alexander is having a blast at his swimming lessons. He is such an outstanding child. He excels in all that he does. You are doing a great job with your children.
Turn off the Tube!
This is why I love having the TV OFF! Alexander created a birds' nest today. This was a project that he came up with by his own free will! Those colorful balls are eggs. I would love to live in such a vibrant nest! My children watch very little TV (and when I say TV, I mean vidoes or netfl...
Yvonne Richards is now following Benjy Vincent
Feb 26, 2010
He sure is a smarty pants Benjy. Looks good Alexander!
The Whole Kit and Caboodle
Here we are! P, M, A, E, & A. I facilitate a Mommy & Me class that my children attend and this is Alexander's craft from Monday. He is one of the oldest in the class (4!!!!) and I love that he can do all of this on his own. The popsicle sticks are our house and that's the whole fam damily hap...
Yvonne Richards is now following It's the little things...
Dec 20, 2009
I love how the snow globes turned out. What was used in place of the liquid glycerin? Glad you guys had a great time at the house.
Papa Pulls Through
I took today to relax. It was a day away from my busy schedule. A day to regroup. Benjy had the day off, too! That means lots of coffee and PJ's on until 11 or so. Fantastic! Well, ... not far into the morning I saw a craft that I wanted to do with the kids. The morning tune changed from there...
I am loving the blog. Looking forward to having ya'll at the house tomorrow night. Your kiddos are so sweet. I can't even imagine Elizabeth biting.
Finding the Balance
Yesterday, I made a big decision to down size my week. Yes, I am a mother of three and have recently taken on tasks as if I am not! During my week I volunteer at church (teaching class, cooking, and organizing small care groups), develop and facilitate a Mommy& Me program one day, am on the 'st...
Yvonne Richards is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 17, 2009
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