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Yvonne Richards
Recent Activity
I am so glad that Alexander is having a blast at his swimming lessons. He is such an outstanding child. He excels in all that he does. You are doing a great job with your children.
Toggle Commented Apr 21, 2010 on Turn off the Tube! at It's the LITTLE things...
Yvonne Richards is now following Benjy Vincent
Feb 26, 2010
He sure is a smarty pants Benjy. Looks good Alexander!
Yvonne Richards is now following It's the little things...
Dec 20, 2009
I love how the snow globes turned out. What was used in place of the liquid glycerin? Glad you guys had a great time at the house.
Toggle Commented Dec 20, 2009 on Papa Pulls Through at It's the LITTLE things...
I am loving the blog. Looking forward to having ya'll at the house tomorrow night. Your kiddos are so sweet. I can't even imagine Elizabeth biting.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on Finding the Balance at It's the LITTLE things...
Yvonne Richards is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 17, 2009