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Customer Service Cycle
Customer Service Cycle Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Practical Ways To Measure Customer Service
•Informal Customer Feedback I was asked (in a restaurant) how my meal was and how the waiter was. •Customer Questionnaires I answered a questionnaire on a shop and how good its products and customer service is. •Comment Cards I have left a comment(s) of a hotel •Staff Feedback A friend of mine in a local shop gave feedback on products and other members of staff. •Mystery Customer A staff member in a local shop of mine, pretended to be a Customer and gives feedback on the staff. •Complaints Letters I sent a complaint letter to a store/shop after being shouted... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Measuring Customer Service (2)
•Sales renewal rate I go back to Tesco because of good service or products •NO. of queries or complaints about your product or service I took a product back to a shop because it had been used. •No. of complaints about your employees I complained about a bus driver that was rude and kept on stalling the bus •NO. of damaged or faulty goods returned I took a pair of shoes back to a store because one of them had a hole in it. •Average order-fulfilment times When a friend ordered products from Tesco, the lorry got the wrong address... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Measuring Customer Service (1)
•Sales renewal rates Repeat business •NO. of queries or complaints about your product or service You know how good you are by how much complaints you get •No. of complaints about your employees You know how good an employee is by how much complaints he/she gets •NO. of damaged or faulty goods returned Measure how good customer service is by measuring how much products are sent Back. •Average order-fulfilment times Measure how good customer service is by measuring order-fulfilment times. •No. of contacts with a customer each month The more customer contact received usually means the worse customer service there... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Sales renewal rate I go back to Tesco because of...
Sales renewal rate I go back to Tesco because of good service or products NO. of queries or complaints about your product or service I took a product back to a shop because it had been used. No. of complaints about your employees I complained about a bus driver that was rude and kept on stalling the bus NO. of damaged or faulty goods returned I took a pair of shoes back to a store because one of them had a hole in it. Average order-fulfilment times When a friend ordered products from Tesco, the lorry got the wrong address... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
i dont like saqib or hamze at all!!!!
i dont like saqib or hamze at all!!!! Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Measuring Customer Service
- Sales renewal rates Repeat business (people keep going/coming back to the store) - NO. of queries or complaints about your product or service You know how good you are by how much complaints you get - No. of complaints about your employees You know how good an employee is by how much complaints he/she gets - NO. of damaged or faulty goods returned Measure how good customer service is by measuring how much products are sent back. - Average order-fulfilment times Measure how good customer service is by measuring order-fulfilment times. - No. of contacts with a customer each... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
fluke!!!!!!! Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Z-acc's blog
Zacc is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 5, 2010
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