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Zahra Begum
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The Effectiveness Of Internet Marketing In Meeting Customer Needs - D1
Internet marketing is very beneficial to all customers as it is successful in meeting their needs. Internet marketing has many kinds of benefits that prove to be advantageous to customers because it makes everything so easy for them, and allows them to fulfil their needs without leaving the house. There are many benefits of internet marketing to customers that fulfil their needs. One major way their needs are fulfil is 24 hour presence which allows customers to spend more time shopping not worrying about closing times or them been turned away as its closing time. AS OS are available to... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
The Challenges Faced By Businesses Using Internet Marketing - M2
Although internet marketing has a large number of different benefits that it brings along with it for the organisation, it also has many disadvantages that it brings along with it too. Below they are explained in more detail with examples as well. For instance online marketing is not free to set up or to start up and it can cost a lot just to get it running. The cost of all the hardware and software that is needed to get things going is very high. This also includes the cost of website designing, further maintenance of the website, and all... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
What Are The Benefits Of Internet Marketing To Customers? - M1
Customers have gained a huge amount from the use of the internet. As the number of internet users are increasing all the time more and more will shop online. Listed below there are some benefits of internet marketing to customers. There are many benefits of internet marketing to customers. For instance, their 24 hour presence allows customers to spend more time shopping not worrying about closing times or them been turned away as its closing time. ASOS are available to customers 24/7 which means customers can visit their website at any time of the day, because there's no time limit.... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
The Challenges Faced By Businesses Using Internet Marketing - P4
Although internet marketing has a large number of different benefits that it brings along with it for the organisation, it also has many disadvantages that it brings along with it too. For instance online marketing is not free to set up or to start up and it can cost a lot just to get it running. The cost of all the hardware and software that is needed to get things going is very high. This also includes the cost of website designing, further maintenance of the website, and all the costs over time as well. This shows us that although... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
Benefits Of Internet Marketing In Relation To Business Efficiency - P3
There are many different internet marketing benefits that businesses/organisation can use in relation to improve their efficiency. For example, the quickness of internet marketing is one major benefit that can be used in relation to their efficiency. This means customers are always aware of the latest that is going on in an organisation so they know all about any new stock that comes into their business because it doest take a long time for an online business to make any changes on their website because its so simple and easy to do that there wouldn't be any reason for them... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
Benefits Of Internet Marketing In Relation To Product Development - P3
There are many benefits of internet marketing and they can be used by businesses for a number of different things. Internet marketing can also be used in relation to product development (improving an existing product or developing new kinds of products), and there are many benefits that follow up with this. For instance, internet marketing gives an organisation many different sources that they can use in their process of product development. This will then make things easier for them as they are already supplied with necessary sources, which saves time for the organisation. Different sources will be extremely valuable and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
Benefits Of Internet Marketing In Relation To Communication - P3
There are many different ways internet marketing can be used by businesses to communicate with its customers. For example: Domain Name- a domain name is a memorable website address that the a business uses so that their customers can find them through the Internet. It is beneficial they keep their domain name as simple as possible because people wont find it hard to remember it. For instance ASOS use,, this is very simple yet effective and customers wont need to search their domain name up or write it down anywhere because its very simple, easy to remember and unique... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
What Are The Benefits Of Internet Marketing To Customers? - P2
Customers have gained a huge amount from the use of the internet. As the number of internet users are increasing all the time more and more will shop online. Listed below there are some benefits of internet marketing to customers. There are many benefits of internet marketing to customers. For instance, their 24 hour presence allows customers to spend more time shopping not worrying about closing times or them been turned away as its closing time. ASOS are available to customers 24/7 which means customers can visit their website at any time of the day, because there's no time limit.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
What Are The Benefits Of Internet Marketing To An Organistaion? - P1
An organisation has many benefits because of internet marketing. For instance internet marketing allows a business to reach all their customers anytime that to very quickly without any hurdles in their way. This can also be done very cheaply compared to other means. ASOS can directly interact with their customers by using the internet, through emails and by talking to them through social websites, such as Facbook and Bebo. All this is very easy for ASOS to do and it doest even cost them a lot and they reach all their customers without thinking twice about it. Once they have... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
What Is 'Disintermediation' And Does It Help Producers? - P1
Disintermediation is the process of removing the middleman in a supply chain. By removing the middleman from the picture it reduces unnecessary costs been made all the time. Distribution channels always consist of wholesalers, agents, retailers and manufacturers, however by cutting th middleman out you can interact directly to your customers as nothing gets in the way. This saves a lot of time, money and is more reliable and trustworthy. There are many businesses out there who prefer to get rid of the middleman as it makes things more accurate and reliable. ASOS have also removed their middleman because when... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
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Mar 5, 2010
Does Internet Marketing Enable More Effective Targeting And Segmentation? - P1
By using internet marketing businesses can can become very famous and popular. They gain more customers just because of the way they operate as a business, which would be from online. Internet marketing can make businesses reach the top very quickly if they do everything right and the way customers prefer it. As internet marketing has become very famous as the years are going pass, more and more people use the internet to fulfil their needs, so those businesses who operate from online will be in an advantage. Internet marketing does allow ASOS to enable more effective targeting and segmentation.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
Does Internet Marketing Contribute To Or Highlight The Need For Effective Identificataion Of New Product/Market Development Opportunities? - P1
Internet Marketing does contribute to the need of effective identification of new products and market development opportunities because it allows ASOS to find out what sorts of products are the most popular at the moment and what most customers are willing to buy and after doing some research on that, they can then develop their products which will meet their needs so they are 100% sure that customers will be willing to buy their products. All this is done by doing research using the internet and as internet marketing is all about making your product available to your customers, this... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
How Does Internet Marketing Help Achieve Business Objectives? - P1
Aims and Objectives of ASOS are: Objective - To become the leading fashion website in the UK and attract growing numbers of overseas customers. ASOS have 3 smaller aims which they have set for their business that will help them achieve their objective. Aims - Uncompromising Presentation, Incredible Choice and Delivering Impeccable Service. At the moment in the top 10, ASOS are the second most visited online website after Next who currently are first, and they own 5.13% of the market. ASOS are in twelfth place in the top 50 UK shopping websites. Uncompromising Presentation - ASOS believe that their... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
The 7 P's - P1
Price - In marketing price is about setting a price that serves the customers well and provides the business with a profit. The price is the set amount of money that customers have to pay in order to purchase the goods they want to. It is the amount that businesses charge for their products but can change so it’s not a fixed price. Businesses have to make sure they charge the right amount of money for the right things. So if something doest need to be expensive, businesses have to make sure they charge an amount that customers are willing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
How Does ASOS Use Internet Marketing? - P1
ASOS are UK’s largest online store; it was launched in 2000 by Nick Robertson. There head quarters are situated in London, UK. They have 270 employees working for them, and are making revenue of £81,044,000 with a net income of £7,311,000. ASOS stands for “As Seen on Screen” They only operate from online only, so you won’t find ASOS’s products and goods elsewhere. They are specialised for selling affordable fashion clothes and accessories worn by celebrities. ASOS have many of their own brands such as ASOS Outlet which are products of the previous season that are sold at a discount... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
What Is Internet Marketing? - P1
Internet marketing is the marketing of products and services which is done using the internet as its main source. The importance of internet marketing has grown with the expansion of the internet. Online advertising spending in the UK has overtaken television expenditure for the first time. In the first half of 2009 online advertising has grew 4.6% to £1.752bn, while television spending shrank 16.1% to £1.639bn. Examples of online advertising are e-mail campaigns, classified adverts, display ads and search marketing. Internet marketing is also known as i-marketing, web marketing, online marketing or eMarketing. Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at Zahra Begum's blog
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Jan 18, 2010
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